Who do you think has loved more substantially: a person who has found their one true love and pursues that relationship to the possible detriment of their other relationships, or a person who never finds their "one true love" but loves their friends, family, home, etc.
wow i'm updating twice in a week; this is scary. the prestige is a very strange movie. and very complicated. my brain hurt after it was done. and the moral of the whole 2+ hour movie is that when batman and wolverine pair off- batman wins. which is kind of sad cause i think i like wolverine better. oh well.
Pick one word from each pair that you think describes me the best and leave it in the comments. Then copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you
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"Taming of the Shrew" is being performed at the Parade Grounds, at the Boston Common. It's free. Would anyone be interested in going either Wednesday August 2nd, or Thursday August 10th?