Volturi? Where?! <.< >.>

Jul 24, 2009 18:28

:: You
Name: Catie-Beth
Age: immortally 17… for one more month
Gender: Female
Stamped As: Jasper
Would you prefer explanations along with the votes? preferred but not necessary
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:: Evil Does Well
What defines a villain for you? Why? Motives for me define a villain. In two senses: the motives are what make him a villain in the first place (because even someone doing something right for the wrong reasons is a villain in my book) and motives are what make each villain their own unique character.
What is the best back-story (past) a villain can have, and why? Generally speaking, there has to be some major event that caused a person to be a villain. True villains don’t just appear out of thin air. They’re created by circumstance, usually some great tragedy that threw them into this lust for revenge and need to be evil.
What should be a villain's perfect weapon, and why? Their intelligence. Because you have to know how to fight in an intellectual sense before you can even learn to fight in a physical sense. The brains come first.
What is the appropriate weakness for the ultimate villain, and why? I’m unsure about this one… logic, for one, because if you can out-logic that villain’s logic, they’re done for. Because a villain that has his reasons set in his head can only continue to really be a villain as long as that logic holds. If it’s flawed, as most logic eventually is, there’s a weak spot there for turning around. But also, I think a great weakness is a soft spot for someone or something that they love, because love can create vengeance or diffuse it.

:: The Evils of the World
Name a few of your favorite literary/t.v./movie villains: in a way, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader has always been one for me (even if I think RotS didn’t really do Anakin’s change too much justice), Adria (Stargate), CSM (X-Files)… I don’t know if I’ve ever had many favorite villains, and I can’t seem to think of anymore.
Choose one (of the mentioned above) villain and explain why he's the perfect villain: Now that I think about it, Anakin/Vader really has always defined a superb villain for me. He was a hero, supposed to be the ultimate hero, until a series of events in his life turned him around. Love was his undoing. To the point that he tried to destroy what it was that he loved because he felt like the love was betrayed. But also, ultimately, in the end, love was his undoing as a villain as well because he couldn’t watch what he loved be destroyed again. Love sent him from hero to villain back to hero again. It was both his downfall and redemption, and, indirectly, also the death of him.

:: This or That
Works Alone or Leads an Army? Doesn’t really matter. Both have their upsides and downsides. A villain that can work alone shows skill and independence, but a villain that can make others follow also shows power and ruthlessness.
Angry or Numb? Angry.
Capable of Love or Incapable of Love? Capable, even if what was loved is now gone. Part of me believes that no one is truly “incapable” of love.
Eerily Sane or Completely Insane? Sane.
Blood-hungry or Revenge-Seeking? Revenge-seeking.
God-complex or Problem with Authority? Again, both have their ups and downs… But I think I lean more towards problem with authority when I really think about it. Because a true god-complex doesn’t have a reason for being a villain other than thinking he’s superior and therefore deserves to play a villainous god.

:: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
The villain of your story once belonged to a 'happy' family, until something happens, and they're dead. What do you think happened? That the family was killed in some tragedy that obviously greatly alters the villain. Like say they’re all shot by a burglar and the villain somehow survives - the villain has seen the burglar kill what he loves for their own means, so perhaps he learns he can do the same. Maybe?
The villain of your story falls in love with a girl, but another man claims her (being richer and better). What do you think this does to him? It totally alters his own self-worth without necessarily making him emo. It also teaches him that what we love can hurt us the most and the deepest, and maybe he takes from it that people are all innately fickle and selfish themselves, which gives him a skewed view of humanity that gives him more incentive to be villainous - if people are all horrible, doesn’t this give him more incentive to treat them horribly?
The villain of your story had been holding a woman ransom - occasionally torturing her - and for some reason, when someone's about to kill him, she stops them. What should be his reaction? He’s totally thrown for a loop because this automatically disproves that previously stated theory that all people are innately selfish. It shows him that greater principles than self do exist, and he is appropriately baffled and has to do some deep thinking.

:: Because votes are still a must...
1- http://community.livejournal.com/twilightstamps/233222.html?view=2205958#t2205958
2- http://community.livejournal.com/twilightstamps/233080.html?view=2206328#t2206328
3- http://community.livejournal.com/twilightstamps/234040.html?view=2206520#t2206520

villain: demetri

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