Title: Rain Pairing: Taeyeon/Jessica Genre: Fluffy fluff Author: robin_20 Dedicated to: This was also a part of 9celcius ' gift. Author Note: Thanks to my lovely Beta Rhys (: Enjoy people. ( It's raining. )
Title: Unspoken Pairing: Taeyeon/Tiffany Genre: Angst Author: robin_20 Dedicated to: The other twin of twinpanda. I know how much you love TaeNy. I'm sorry that my first ever TaeNy has to be angst. Author Note: Unbeta'd because 9celcius wanted me to post it. Also I should warn you that this is very different from my previous works. It suddenly came to me after having
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Title: Mature Pairing: t-ara x snsd, clicky to find out who Rating: pg Genre: Angst Author: robin_20 Dedicated to: 9celcius Author note: It sure has been a while hasn't it? Hope you peeps enjoy.
TaeNy | NC-17 | Servant/Master secks Horny level: over 9000 Nothing new, wrote this back in May but only posed it on SoshiPops. Wanted it on my journal. I reread it lmao, damn. and this was for Song's bday lmaoahaha<3
Title: Noodles || NC-17 || TaeNy Author: Not me, an unnamed person who gave me permission to post it. This was like a gift to me LOL. It's epic. No joke.
The Taeyeon Sandwich (Prt. 3) || TaengSicNy || NC-17 The 3rd and final part to my TaengSicNy 'Snapshot' series. Thank god lmao I finally finished -___-
Beauty is the Beast || EunTae (Taeyeon x Eunjung) Obviously crack, but hot crack | T-ara shidae (?) NC-17 Well Kiddos I am back, with crack For a certain friendo, but I decided to share ;] Hope you don't mind
Love. Death. Live || TaengSic || PG-13 Kinda sad but Kinda not? I wrote it because of my boredom and I was quite inspired after watching bits and pieces of a movie.