Nov 20, 2005 03:24
Sure enough, the world finds wrong words and tried to punish us for them.
Sure enough, the words were swords and we killed them.
But now we're on trial for murder.
Thats fo real.
Nov 20, 2005 03:22
Plump is used to describe things that might be juicy,
but isn't there a better word for describing fat ass?
Don't overthink.
Thats fo real.
Nov 20, 2005 03:19
I'm not going to remember this, and neither are you.
I've already taken note of what I've forgotten.
What have you done for the timeless battle?
Thats fo real.
Nov 20, 2005 03:18
I sat in the library, a bird managed to get in and flew to the ceiling. But it was a midget library and I punched the bird to death seeing as I'm not a midget and hate birds.
I was in the library because i wanted to see what it might be like if I were to become a vengeful giant.
Thats fo real.
Nov 20, 2005 03:17
In slow motion, I still couldn't see it coming.
In fast motion, it was obvious.
Damn it, riddles are hard and this is just nonsense.
Thats fo real.
Nov 20, 2005 03:15
It's like an explosion, only less boom-y and more clothes.
The answer: A dirty room!
Or a dirty whore who has just left the business to pursue a better life for herself.
You go girl!
You get that law degree!
Thats fo real.
Nov 20, 2005 03:14
There is a panda bear in the closet.
He watches me type with unblinking eyes.
Around his neck is a red ribbon that i am too afraid to touch.
In my writing, I warn you of him.
Thats fo real.
Nov 20, 2005 03:13
Live from my basement...its me using my imagination, also known as GEEK LOSER BOY AND HIS SHITTY SHOW.
And by me, i mean you.
That's fo real.
Nov 20, 2005 03:12
Dancing reminds me of having a seizure. No no, like having the IRS seize your house because the moves you do on the front lawn...epic.
Thats fo real
Nov 20, 2005 03:11
this scene takes place during halloween.
Trick or treat.
Oh hello little fella, here's an apple.
Are there razor blades in it?
No, but good idea.
Thats fo real.