This fic-list has all my Supernatural and Hetalia fics. For anything from before then (ie. LotR) see my account. I realise this list has become disgustingly unwieldy but it's the best I can be bothered to do.
My father and sister went to the dump today to throw away rubbish and performed the classic "why would Ruth want to throw these things away... OH SHIT SHE WOULDN'T" so we're going there tomorrow morning to see if we can't fish my two nicest dresses out of the clothes bank. Hooray!
Auuugh moving house this week. Anyone who speaks to me with any kind of regularity, be prepared for my unpreparedness. It's not just me, dad's totally unprepared too. WE HAVE THIS MOVING THING DOWN
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Omfg I had a decent night's sleep last night. Yessssss. I won't say uninterrupted, because I never have that, but no midnight attacks of anxiety or panic. Yesssss.
Now all I need is some kind of appetite and I'll be almost back to normal.