This fic-list has all my Supernatural and Hetalia fics. For anything from before then (ie. LotR) see my account. I realise this list has become disgustingly unwieldy but it's the best I can be bothered to do.
- WeeChester Fic
- Gen Fic
- CrackFic
- Angsty Things
- Evil!Dean 'verse
- Werewolf!Winchesters 'verse
- Misc. Fan Stuff
- Hetalia Fic
- Other Fic
Supernatural Fic
- Through Another's Eyes (PG, Gen) Sam is invited over a friend's house for dinner. (Link takes you to
- Fairies (G, Gen) Dean argues with some classmates. (link will take you to again)
- Recognition (PG, Gen) Someone in St. Louis recognises Dean from the news report. Very small spoilers for “Skin”.
- Despair (PG, Angst, Crossover with Harry Potter) Dean and Sam meet a new and quite scary adversary.
- One Hour (G, Angst) Dad said he'd be back in an hour...
- The Beast (PG, Gen) A monster-of-the-week's thoughts about the Winchesters and how they work.
- Christmas Carols (PG, Gen) Dean is coerced into singing in a carol service. (Written for an spn_christmas prompt that I won't put here because it's quite descriptive).
- All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth (PG, Gen) All Sam wants for Christmas is his two front teeth. (Written for the spn_christmas prompt "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth").
- Five Times Dean Winchester is Five Years Old (PG, Gen) Five times Dean Winchester is five years old. In descending order of age. (Dialogue fic)
- Play (PG13, Gen) Sammy's not allowed to play with the guns. (Deathfic. Evil, evil deathfic)
- Conclusions (G, Gen) Assumptions and a bad case of miscommunication leads a teacher to the wrong conclusions.
- Sibling Rivalry (PG, Gen) John's devised a new and weird way of training. Dean isn't too happy with it.
- The Ravages of War (PG13, Gen)Dean instigates a prank war, but will it get out of control? Yes, yes of course it will. Written for willow_m_w who bought me at Sweet Charity.
Gen Fic
- The Reaper's Smile (PG, Gen) A look at what's going on behind that reaper's smile at the end of "Faith". So, spoilers for “Faith”, obviously.
- Queueing Theory (PG13, Gen) Sam is a geek and Dean is annoying. This makes for a fun traffic jam.
- Descendants (PG. Gen) Many years from now, two children find an old picture of some family and ask their grandmother about it (hopefully, you'll recognise the picture).
- Shapeshifting (PG, Gen) Small character study type thing on the shapeshifter. Got the idea from shibbyfangirl.
- Shocked (PG13, Gen) Chapter Two In a terrible hunting accident Dean stabs a small child and has trouble dealing with it, leaving Sam to sort out the aftermath. Written for glorfinniel.
- Birthday Phone Call (PG13, Gen) Jess overhears Sam phoning Dean for his birthday.
- Checking In (PG13, Gen) Sequel to Birthday Phone Call. Jess overhears Dean phoning Sam for his birthday.
- A Single Hand (PG13, Gen) Dean loses the use of his hand and has to stop hunting.
- Unhinged (PG, Gen) Sam isn't quite right in the head and has been committed. (AU from IMToD, small spoilers)
- The Things People Curse... (PG13, Gen) There's something fishy about a waitress... well, froggy. Written for the "burger and fries" challenge at dean_sam.
- Zeppelin Rules (G, Gen) For the spn_outsidepov prompt: Andrea (from "Dead in the Water") - say she eventually remarries or finds someone else - does Andrea ever talk about Sam & Dean? Does Lucas? What does that guy think of these other two guys, long gone?
- Hangman (PG13, Gen) Sam just doesn't have much luck with things that go for the neck. Written at the behest of glorfinniel. (Limp!Sam)
- Gloves (PG, Gen) Sam is getting annoyed with Dean leaving fingerprints all over crimes scenes.
- Everywhere (G, Gen) I heard Johnny Cash's I've Been Everywhere and I just thought of Dean hearing the song for the first time going "Yep, been there, and there, there, there ,there, yep, yep, ooh not that one, that one, yep, oh no, not that one either, but that one I have," etc. etc. This isn't him doing that, but it's a related scene. (Drabble)
- It All Went Wrong (G, Gen) The story of the Winchesters told by the house where it all began.
- Just a Sandwich (G, Gen) Dean deals with some feelings by making lunch. Tag for 2.20, so spoilers there.
- Knights in Shining Armour (PG13, Gen) Her car's broken down. In the scariest place ever. Typical. AU from Devils Trap. (implied character death)
- It's Raining, Dude (PG, Gen) It's raining. The guys are talking about it. Really, that's pretty much it. (Dialogue fic)
- History Repeating (PG13, Gen) Sam saved Dean. But somewhere along the way, something went wrong. (vague S3 spoilers and character death)
- Dean Wants To Go To College (PG, Gen) At some point in the past Dean wanted to go to college, but he didn't. (apologies for the awful title)
- The Eyes Have It (G, Gen) What Dean sees when he looks at Sam. Drabble.
The Crack
- A Night of Possession (PG, Gen) Sam is possessed by an... interesting ghost. (link takes you to
- What if Bloody Mary Died in a Different Room? (PG13, Gen). The end of “Bloody Mary” played out slightly differently. Completely ridiculous.
- The Magic of Christmas (PG, Gen) Written for the spn_christmas prompt: “Crack!fic: A witch turns Sam and Dean into reindeer.”
- Bunny (PG13, Gen) Quite severe crack. Sam has a pet plotbunny. Idea was spawned from reading one of wenchpixie's fics ( here). (dialogue fic)
- A Minor Distraction (PG, Gen) Something John's hunting tries to hit him where it hurts. (Animal transformation as well as wee!Chesters)
- A Bird in the Hand (PG, Gen) Dean and Sam make a stop at the Roadhouse, except Dean's not his usual self (well, species). (Yes, another animal transformation one)
- Yersinia Pestis (PG13, Gen) Sam and Dean are... changed for two months and while they're away quite a lot happens. (kind of animal transformation and partial dialogue fic)
- A Break in the Routine (PG13, Gen) One day, while Sam and Dean are home alone, a very persistent dog turns up on their doorstep. (Yes, it's animal transformation, what a surprise! Also, slightly pre-series)
- Facing Fears or We've Got Motherfucking Clowns on this Motherfucking Plane! (PG13, Gen) Written for the asylum_spnfics fic exchange. korppisusi's prompt was "hunt when the boys end up in a plane full of clowns going to clown-a-con."
- There Are Some Things a Brother Just Doesn't Want to Know (R, Gen/Het) Good old sex pollen. Dean takes a hit and some quite severe sexual deviancy ensues.
- A Curse and a Gift (PG13, Gen) A misguided young woman thanks Dean for his help in a somewhat unconventional way. Using the spn_summergen prompts from dolimir_k.
- The Marvelous Madam Mim (PG13, Gen, Crossover with The Sword in the Stone) Dean and Sam meet Madam Mim. They duel. (and therefore there is animal transformation. Shut up.)
- Friend Without a Face (R, Dean/tentacles, Crossover with the hentai of the same name) Sam and Dean - mostly Dean - find out that you can't always judge a book by its cover. Or, indeed, a tentacle monster by its slimy, faceless appearance.
- God Knows I Want to Break Free (PG13, Gen) Sam and Dean get sucked into a music video. A Queen music video. Yes, that Queen music video. Completely the fault of mara_sho, monkey_matt and wenchpixie. (contains crossdressing)
- Perilous Time Travel (PG13, Gen) Sam and Dean go back in time. And there's peril. Written for the spn_crackfic 'Out Of Time' challenge. (dialogue fic)
- Candy Corn Is Of The Devil (PG13, Gen) Candy corn, jinxing and crack. That's it. Written for halfshellvenus's birthday.
- Did You Ever See Such a Thing In Your Life? (PG13, Gen) Take one Sam, turn him into a mouse, shove him into a nursery rhyme and finish it off with a liberal dash of Pratchett. So, yeah, animal transformation of a kind.
- Tainted By Evil 2: Taint Harder (PG13, Gen) Dean's not feeling himself, whatever could the cure be? Idea spawned by girlfan1979 and title inspired by longhairedlady's Tainted By Evil.
- The Worcester Brothers: Revealed (G, Gen) A magazine article talking with Martin Flagg (of Hollywood Babylon fame) about his upcoming film. Written for elle_dritch.
- John Who? (PG13, Gen) When the gates of Hell opened, John Winchester was pretty damn near the front.
The Angst.
- What If Dean Had Asthma? (PG13, Gen) Chapter Two, Three, Four, Five and Six. Life has a very fine balance, change one thing and it could all go to hell, so what if Dean had asthma? (Deathfic)
- Nothing is Forever (PG13, Gen) A little look at the reasons Dean does some of the things he does. Very introspective.
- Witness (PG13, Gen) All she could do was watch as the scene played out before her. Companion piece to glorfinniel's Rain (that's a link). (Deathfic)
- The Connection (PG, Gen) DT and all that went a bit differently and Sam ended up dead. Dean meets some people at the funeral. (Deathfic)
- From Another World (PG13, Gen) Dean meets himself as he could have been (in a dream). Spoilers for the first few episodes of season 2. Also, smutty second dream in the series: The Red Room (R, slash) contains Dean/AU!Dean, 'cause I'm weird.
- Let Go, Brother, Let Go (PG13, Gen) Sam finally catches up with Dean. (Evil!Sam and therefore the barest spoilers for season 2 and deathfic)
- Easy (PG13, Gen) Sometimes, nothing seems easy. Written for the sn_flashback flashback23 table (ages 21 and 25).
- What Wasn't (PG, Gen) What if Dean had chosen to stay? AU for WIaWSNB. (character death)
- Haven (G, Gen) John's favourite place is on the open road with his boys. (wee!Chesters and deathfic because apparently I can't write any other kind of angst)
- Family Matters (G, Gen) Now it's just Sam and John, Sam's going to make sure John gets the best care. (evil!Sam and Dean's dead. Seriously, I've got to stop killing that guy, it's getting silly now)
- Stay (PG13, Gen) Written for vichan's Evil!Dean ficathon. In an effort to keep his family together like he wants, Dean goes too far.
- Slack Your Rope a While (PG13, Gen) Dean's days are numbered and, so far, sitting on Death Row counting them down has really sucked. (Is it a deathfic? You bet it is! Also, kind of a songfic, sorry about that)
- The Demon's Smile (R, Sam/Ruby) Technically, Dean was out of the deal, but really? He was in a worse position than ever. For quiet_rebel's spn_holidays prompt, which was "Ruby comes through and gets Dean out of his deal. Now what?" (Also, slight evil!Sam)
- Lost Days (PG13, Gen) Dean's woken up to a Sam that's changed and no one will tell him what's going on.
- The Only Weapon We Have (PG13, Gen) "A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have." - Roger Rabbit. Slightly weird evil!Dean.
Evil!Dean 'verse
- Wrong (R, Sam/Dean) Dean would do anything to protect his brother. Evil!Dean (or amoral!Dean) and possibly slightly dubious consent.
- Downfall (PG13, Gen) Prequel to Wrong. How Sam and Dean got to be the way they are in Wrong (or: Dean would do anything to protect his brother).
- Close (NC17, Sam/Dean) More Evil!Dean. After Downfall, before Wrong. Dean just wants to get a little closer to his brother, that's all. Incredibly dubious consent.
- Caught (R, Sam/Dean) The law catches up with them. Comes after the other three.
- Drowning (R, Sam/Dean) Sam comes to terms with his new life.
Werewolf!Winchesters 'verse
- Instinct (PG13, Gen) I was thinking about SPN werewolves and came up with this. John's changed, but how much? AU.
- Protection (PG13, Gen) Sequel to Instinct. The Winchesters are being hunted.
- Hunters (PG13, Gen) Sequel to Instinct and Protection. The Winchesters are hunting.
- Aftermath (PG13, Gen) Direct sequel to Protection. John picks up the pieces.
- Meeting (PG13, Gen) Direct sequel to Hunters. This is what happens the morning after.
- Changes (PG13, Gen) Comes after Instinct and before the rest. John's decided it's time for some changes.
- Outsider (PG13, Gen) Comes after Changes. Sam hates change. Which makes living in a family of werewolves really suck.
Miscellaneous Stuff
- The Further Adventures of Canned Sam: Parts I-VII (so far) The Benders put Sam in a can. So cracky you wouldn't believe. It all came about after I misread a line in this here fic of wenchpixie's.
- Naming the Boys: Season 2 A picspam looking at how well the show credits the boys during season 2 (as it turns out, it's not very well at all).
- Naming the Boys: Season 1 Ditto, but for season 1.
- Hell's Souvenirs God, I don't even know. Wanna buy a T-shirt from Hell?
- On the Subject of Dean and his Relation to Walls Meta about Dean and walls.
- That's Gotta Hurt! A music video documenting Sam and Dean being beaten up and running away and thrown around and stuff.
- Random stick!comic Spoilers for 3.14. Really short.
Hetalia Fic
- A Morning Like Any Other (G, Gen) The ever-turbulent relationships of the British Isles.
- First Impressions (PG13, Gen) Prussia and England meet for the first time. Includes longbows.
- We All Fall Down (PG13, Gen) The Black Death. From the beginning to very near the end.
- The Morning After (PG13, Gen) Prussia and England, but mostly England, endure the morning after the night before. Uses human names for a reason I can't remember any more.
- Untitled Anglo-Saxon Thing (PG, Gen) Tiny England and his Anglo-Saxon (and Jute!) uncles.
- The Battle of Minden (NC17, England/Prussia) It's the Seven Years' War and it's England's turn to do insane things on the battlefield. And off it, as well.
- For The Love of Beer (NC17, England/Prussia) In the desert in a vaguely WWII setting there is a severe lack of beer. This makes everyone grumpy. And then sex. Birthday fic for elwon.
- From Prussia, With Love (PG13, slight England/Prussia) For the drunkendisorder anti-Valentines challenge. The best way to fend off loneliness is to find someone to be lonely with. And some booze, preferably cheap.
- What a Difference a Rose Makes (PG13, slight France/England) For the what_the_fruk challenge cycle. All is happy in England's world; the sun is shining and the roses are blooming and his lover is cooking him a fine meal... hang on, this is England we're talking about. That can't be right.
- Here's to the Grog (NC17, England/Fem!Prussia) PWP. Pirate!England takes fem!Prussia virginity. There is rum. What more could you want?
- Second Chance (PG13, Gen) After a memorable and yet largely forgotten night Prussia and England wake up to find they've mysteriously swapped bodies. England's horrified, Prussia is less so...
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine
Other Fic
- Untitled (G, Gen, Crossover between LotR, Harry Potter, Doctor Who (ninth Doctor), Discworld and (very briefly) Blackadder) glorfinniel challenged me to write a story with at least five fandoms.
- Untitled toothbrush fic (G, Gen) Angsty fic based on adverts for a Colgate toothbrush.
The beautiful coding used to make this page was given to me by the ever-radiant wenchpixie.