Not-so-lovely pictures, but it doesn't matter!
Change one: I gave my desk a facelift! It's not the most attractive piece of furniture ever, but look how organized it is! :D
Change three: Jasmine, the dog mentioned
here, passed away a couple of days ago. It's a tad bit ironic. "It's comforting to know that some things will never change."
My neighbor, the retired man, ran into me while I was on my walk and told me about it. He made the strangest analogy I've ever heard. "Jasmine was to me, as that camera is to you." He said I should name the camera so the analogy wouldn't sound so awkward. It's not a bad idea, but, honestly, I'd rather walk my turtle (or walk with a human being) than a piece of plastic.
Change four: My old box (given to me by
nightnightnight :D) wouldn't eat anymore of my memories. But! Fake brother Tuan gave me a brand new box! Thank youuuu. It's nice and big and pretty, but I have nothing to put in it.
I was first exposed to the world of lovely world of chinese dramas in 2nd grade. IT. WAS. HORRIBLE. There was a monkey-like man who wore the most peculiar dress I had ever seen. He could break dance in midair and throw daggers that he didn't even possess. This monkeyman was so skilled that he got stabbed in the back by another man, who I believe was his brother, since they both had the same monkey face.
DUDE. When you're stabbed in the back, blood is supposed to spill from your BACK. You're not supposed to spit blood out. It just doesn't work. No, no, no. And that's what the monkeyman did. Well, actually, it looked more like ketchup and saliva mixed together.
On this particular day, mama had bought cherries from zee market. I accidentally spat a cherry onto the ground and YOU KNOW WHAT? It looked like blood! Like.. REEAAAAAAAAAAL blood. So, for the rest of the day, I ran around the house, spitting cherries everywhere on the floor. No one was home with me, thankfully!
I vowed to myself to make a BETTER monkeymandress movie when I grew up. It would be filled with cherry spitting! I'll do it one day. Mhm, mhm.