Jan 29, 2008 09:01
Here's something to brighten your day guys.
Mike Walsh has just officially pre registered by email for all Spring and Fall events.
You gotta love that guy. If you guys didn't rock the casbah, this wouldn't happen.
Jan 10, 2008 08:53
Awww! I am so jealous! Aralis2 has the _coolest_ Larp website!
I also noticed that they have a serious death system. You die, someone might pull the right strings and help you resurrect...ONCE...EVER.
Wow. I guess there isn't a lot of PVP going on...
Dec 11, 2007 14:07
May 9-11
May 23-25
Sept 12-14
Oct 10-12
May 2-4
May 30-June 2
Aug 29-31
Oct 3-5
Nov 16, 2007 09:17
Valiant 2: “Bodices and Broadswords”
Valiant 2: “George Unleashed: You Just Had to Encourage Him”
Valiant 2: “Hookers with Lasagna”
Valiant 2: “Now With Players”
Valiant 2: “Costume Required, No Cleats Please.”
Valiant 2: “More Roles less Rolling”
Valiant 2: “How Many Deaths??!!”
Nov 12, 2007 10:23
Wow. Not one single player PEL from the Valiant finale. Like 4 from the previous event.
That's ok. I am running valiant for me now. Other people are free to share.
On a funny note, Sue says she is having _less_ nightmares/ dreams about the finale. She dreamt of Bayle's goodbye a lot.
Nov 02, 2007 08:56
Hi all,
I will need to use the Valiantstaff LJ to post info going forward on V2 issues, as such I am forced to drop Friends off of the Friends list until I know which side of the fence they will be on. Sorry Guys!