Title: Haunting Author: VampireMadonna Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 Length: Undetermined Summary: A tragic end leads to a new beginning... A/N: To make up for the fact that the chapter was so short :)
Lol. No. I'm not staying up to write tonight cuz I really need sleep but if you're lucky, tomorrow night I'll be energized and mellow enough to write the next part to hopefully post Friday/Saturday.
I can understand why you changed them... Yunho's reaction was a bit too extreme and I had a hard time imagining that...
Jaejoong as well, he seems a bit too cold... Is he really mad at Yunho? Somehow I don't expect that from him ><. Although Yunho was a bit harsh... okay very harsh, is he really the one to blame? Hmm... This has me thinking a bit now haha.
Comments 12
and himchan..i was lucky to get his reply last christmas in twitter..
*smiles dreamily*
Jaejoong as well, he seems a bit too cold... Is he really mad at Yunho? Somehow I don't expect that from him ><. Although Yunho was a bit harsh... okay very harsh, is he really the one to blame? Hmm... This has me thinking a bit now haha.
Looking forward to your update~ ^^
I will be watching and waiting for the next update..
It's getting really interesting...
Thank you
Looking forward to your next chapter.
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