I recently heard from Dawn about a new DJ-for-hire gig, steady work Monday to Wednesday 9PM-2AM. She couldn't do it, but knowing that I know people with the skills, she figured I might be able to find someone interested in taking a steady gig.
The (potential) downside? It's in Maple Ridge. Bit of a commute for most of those I know. Even so, I
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So, as of today, we sent 7 boxes and one suitcase of stuff from our apartment to Toronto, payment on delivery. (whew.) As of the same day vannsplace left town, leaving us the rest of the gear to do with as we would. The full process of inventory and liquidation will no doubt take time, but we have a a starting point, at least, and her permission
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For some time now, TransFormers: A Michael Bay Film has been both hopeful and troublesome for me.
I've gone through trailers, sifted a few contradictory leaks, glimpsed half-viewed models, and overall tried (in the absence of much) to balance in my head my concerns over a very bizarre exposed-pistons redesign against TF:AMBF seeming to be a fairly
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So I noticed that shaddyr had taken this quiz that attempts to use one's interests, connections, writing style and recent posts to come up with a pattern about them.
For 29 years, local fen have gathered on Friday night, in bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants, to meet, to laugh, to swap news, to play games, to plot and scheme, and even, a few times, to court
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I'd received quite a few invites for it in the past little while, but as I'm still in the midst of cleaning and sorting my online content (and making sure there is some actual, you know, content, I was initially paying little heed. But one of our local FREDgoers, Tila, wore down my resistance, and gypsydemon pointed out its
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Here's to 30 years of myth and wonder, excitement and adventure (though a Jedi craves not such things), drama with both historical sweep and heft and the very personal line between one individual's best and worst
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So, Friday night, FRED took a holiday. There was so much stuff going on the Victoria day weekend, I just didn't feel like throwing another option to the pile -- one that will be having some special events of its own soon anyway. I did, however, spend the evening on a bit of a pub-crawl, gogin first with my co-worker Joao to the Garage in central
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First off, I'd like to apologize to you my readers, for not having updated in such a long time. I have had some free time since the last update, work hasn't been *that* crushing -- and yet, I've not often felt able of forming a coherent paragraph, even on a free day. And so, I let this journal slide down the priority list, to concentrate on other
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