In honour of my refinding my copy of Photoshop, a GIP. Now if I could only remember all those exact icon plans I had apart from you know, a ghetto hood beating up a Latverian genius meglomaniac dictator over $200
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One thing that's great about reading vast amounts of back issues at once is that you really get a feel for a writer, or at least the difference between writers. Dixon!Nightwing flows quite well into Grayson!Nightwing, even though the changeover is quite obvious what with Devin ditching all of corrupt corrupt Bludhaven in like three issues
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So, um, I'm a moron who when discussing Heroes doesn't realise that Claire's pet nerd is called Zach, and instead spends her time desperately trying to puzzle out why everyone seems to be 'shipping an indestrucable high school cheerleader with a junkie artist who paints the future. (Clearly he belongs with the hot gallery owner with no powers but
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So, um, how's it going fandom? I'm attempting to get back into the swing of that crazy thing we call human interaction (Yes, I know, internet. Baby steps here, people, baby steps
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1. My username is ____ because ____. 2. My journal is titled ____ because ____. 3. My subtitle is ____ because ____. 4. My friends page is called ____ because ____. 5. My default userpic is ____ because ____. ( Read more... )