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Nov 14, 2005 10:15

Top Commenters on vanillacelica's LiveJournal

1vanillacelica 1001
2Anonymous 222
3wastedspacejm 220
4lionheart059 195
5lonemirage2see 191
6butterflysky03 170
7yoimemily 164
8qtredshell 159
9gman256x 150
10slarby 145
11imjasonh 94
12sean0072003 92
13arcticbirdfoe 81
14solostindream 81
15kleslacbj44 79
16twntythree 77
17olavio 75
18lilmad 73
19teenwolfe85 59
20metall05 56
21peachsncream204 56
22tkdude2 53
23blueserenity31 50
24cheekytiki 49
25fuzzywan 49
26pheeb1024 37
27keck805 35
28danceinacircle 34
29gills77 34
30wnhsangel01 34
31angus24350 33
32killer69 27
33sezzaydee914 27
34audreyfamous 25
35dazzlegrl54 25
36ghostly_cupcake 23
37grubb 22
38luvnstuf0609 21
39blueserenity22 19
40moeldawg 19
41canadaissweet 17
42beastman15 16
43cowman8989 16
44dorable100 16
45ibefrackin 16
46joyous 16
47smurdlad 16
48jwheels116 14
49spamrobot7854 14
50memnochsedai 13
51mutedinside 13
52superbeastakers 13
53terrifictaurus 13
54alexandra13 12
55amberlights 12
56lynseyluvschris 12
57peterdan 12
58allihon 11
59jerryskid02 11
60onesleekdude 11
61__charmattack 10
62danimal5100 10
63its_debatable 10
64julz321 10
65enjoyousit 9
66melancholyjoy 9
67iwantrecess 8
68keoni_fire 8
69messeduplilkid 8
70onlyiwillremain 8
71brazenredhead 7
72laurad311 7
73linkinlax311 7
74lynseylovesbnl 7
75piolovespunk182 7
76rockety23 7
77fancypants710 6
78lilnux 6
79lure_x 6
80mrjeffe 6
81pinkcoquet 6
82joysndahood 5
83mouseykid 5
84olearymachine 5
85abetterdaughter 4
86chesterlp66 4
87christina_482 4
88heartsnthoughts 4
89icycoolmc 4
90mouseynorton 4
91love_savestoday 3
92porcupneluvhrts 3
93thisgirls_blush 3
94tubamanmu 3
95cputrdoc 2
96evilgreensmurfs 2
97expoeighty6 2
98fingersofhell 2
99house4redsox 2
100lostgurlie7 2

Total Commenters: 120 (20 not shown)
Total Comments: 4580
Report generated 11/14/2005 10:15:26 AM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.1

So this weekend rocked.
OSU kicked some serious fucking ass.
We had really good nosebleed seats
but they were right on the 50 yrd line.
And I saw some awesome people
and ate some damn yummy food.
Time for a shower.
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