I realized that there are those people who do not share my love of the visual-musical presentation--or, perhaps, they just lack the knowledge. So now I get to show off my favorite music videos. ( behind the cut )
Got back from Rent, which was awesome, but struck a few too many chords. Not doing very well--haven't since Friday (which is really really weird, since nothing's happened but happy). I hate that. I hate that I feel freakishly depressed and unloved and unlovable when absolutely nothing has gone wrong. People have been about as wonderful to me as
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Had a crappy night, so I decided that today I was going to be FABULOUS. Been walking around with a fedora & no pants & desperately wishing I had a waistcoat. Read some iCiNG, too, hence the ampersands. Gala Darling's elitism still really irks me, but right now I needed super-love & cupcakes
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So, I was reading through the sites that Sheila posted, and then went off and researched veganism on my own, and I got a full-force smack-in-the-face reminder of why the whole vegan and raw food "movements" piss me off so irrationally
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