30 Days of Vidding Meme - September
time is an illusion; lunchtime doubly so [the carnival of you and me][x]
heresluck | 30 days of vidding meme: Day 1[x]
(Shhhh) I Don't Really have a LJ... - 30 Days of Vidding Meme - Day 13[x]
House of Leaves - 30 Days of Vidding Meme - Day 13[x]
Awkward Paws - 30 days of vidding meme - day 13[x]
Random thoughts - Vidding Meme continuedRecs posted in September, Part 1
Astrid - Rec of the day: Get the Party Started by rhoboat (Leverage/White Collar) Summary: They're having so much fun, it's illegal. The vid had me hooked right from the intro... it's shiny and a lot of fun. These two shows want to be crossed over!
whitecollar leverage [x]
Resisting Everything but Temptation - Vid recs, story rec: d astartexx's are both Scully vids: Metal Heart by Garbage (Season 1) This one does amazing things with the music, making S1 XF feel fresh and immediate and exciting. It brought back all the feelings I had watching this show live when it first aired. 2-1 by Imogen Heap (Season 2) And this one is just... I'm without words. I loved it. Emotional, tight, rich and set to an incredibly evocative song. Not to be missed.
xfiles Recs posted in July, Part 3
Needs a Nap... and a cookie. - 15 Video Recs: Farscape OMG Youtube Video by birthsister The vidder’s description sums it up perfectly: The John and Aeryn Porn show to Pink's song OMG Aeryn and John - Dance Youtube Video by grynexv Set to “The Dance” by Westlife Ok, cried my way through this one first time out. John Crichton’s Blue Eyes Youtube Video by allnamesalreadytaken An angsty Crichton Tribute. Music by The Cary Farscape 1812 Overture Youtube Video by gryph28 Set to the 1812 Overture I think this one was part of the “Save Farscape Campaign” - It has DRDs! Firefly The Sweet Escape of River Tam YouTube Video by felixfelicius Set to “Broken” by Seether (w/Amy Lee) It’s River!!! The vidder used some of my favorite River scenes. When You Say Nothing at All Youtube Video by bflyart Set to “When You Say Nothing at All” by Ronan Keating I was so disappointed this ship didn’t happen. A Mal/IInara tribute. Battlestar Galatica Adama/Roslin - Almost Lover Youtube Video by coexistlove Set to “Almost Lover” by A Fine Frenzy This one made me all teary when I first saw it. It is still my favorite BSG vid. Who Knew? Youtube Video by Eclaire Set to ‘Who Knew?” by P!nk You didn’t list them as a ship, but I liked the mix on this video. Stargate Vala’s Always a Woman to Daniel Youtube Video by perkin127 Set to “She’s Always a Woman” (cover uncredited) Stargate SG-1 - Kobol’s Last Gleaming Youtube Video by deltavoyage set to music from BSG soundtrack Vala - Not Ready to Make Nice Youtube Video by valamd Set to “Not Ready to Make Nice” by The Dixie Chicks I liked this look at Vala as a strong woman. Stargate: Atlantis - Last Man Standing Youtube Video by Rodneysgirl90 Set to “Last Man Standing” by Hammerfall Ok, so this was the 2nd fan vid for SGA I ever watched, and it made me fall in love with metal and punk music all over again. Only the Good Die Young - The Shrine Youtube Video by X5649 Set to “Only the Good Die Young” by Def Leppard A Rodney tribute episode tag from The Shrine. Stargate - Total Eclipse of the Heart Youtube Video by rodneysgirl90 Set to “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler A shippy shippy shipful video from SG-1 and Atlantis Torchwood Run Along with Captain Jack Youtube Video by emeraldnite Set to “Captain Jack” by Captain Jack Ok, this is total CRACK! It makes me happy.
spn farscape firefly bsg sg1 sga torchwood [x]
metallidean_grl - Video of the Week: Today I have chosen a really cool song. It is entitled 'Citizen Soldier' by 3 Doors Down. The title of this vid is Hunters of Darkness. The Winchesters (Dean, Sam & John), as well as other hunters we have seen along the way (Bobby, Ellen, Jo) are hunters of the dark and evil things in this world. As the chorus goes: On that day when you need your brothers and sisters to care, I'll be right here. Citizen soldiers holding the light for the ones that we guide from the dark of despair. Standing on guard for the ones that we sheltered, We'll always be ready because we will always be there. Now, doesn't that describe the Winchesters and other hunters perfectly? This is a great song, and this vid is perfectly done to the words. Enjoy!!
spn [x]
metallidean_grl - Video of the Week: The vidder is malfana and the song of choice is 'The Right Kind of Wrong' by LeAnn Rimes. And the subject - well,,,,,,,,,do you really need to ask, because the title kind of speaks for itself. It is, of course, about our beloved Dean Winchester, in that we all know he really and truly is the Right Kind of Wrong, and we love him for it. Enjoy!!!!
spn [x]
ИНЕТНАЯ ЖИСТЬ ЛИСЫ - Games of Thrones vid rec.: Thnaks Ma for heads up. It's 2 minutes 29 seconds of reasons to watch the series and read the books. Beautiful and powerful vid.
gameofthrones [x]
Two Lawyers. One Degree. - VID REC: Harvey/Mike Fanvids: 1. Title: Space Bound Artist: Eminem Length: 0:54 Format: Streaming (youtube) Characters: Harvey Specter + Mike Ross Summary: I'm aiming right at you..right at you.. 2. Title: Would You Hold It Against Me? Artist: Sam Tsui (Britney Spears cover) Length: 1:24 Format: Streaming (youtube) Warnings: Um..Manips of sexy scenes. And implied sexy times. :) Characters: Harvey Specter + Mike Ross Summary: Harvey likes Mike, but Mike thinks he is just like everyone else Harvey is interested in. At dinner Harvey is asked out by a girl and Mike gets scared. Harvey declines the woman and goes back to Mike..then the rest is Harvey wanting Mike.
suits [x]
THE GAME IS ON. - Sunday Recday - Week 46 - No Theme: Fan-vid rec Sherlock vs Moriarty - It's a Brand New Day
sherlock [x]
Shall We Dance? - Insta Vid Rec: Because you need a Toy Story vid to Tik Tok. Yes, yes, you do. It is in fact pretty much the most awesome thing I've seen since the Star Trek vid to same.
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galadriel34 - Playtime, Day 13: Do you like fanvids? Do you have favourite? I like fanvids. Watch and make it too, but I don’t name one specific fanvid as my favourite. Actually it is a really tricky question, because I like some fanvid, but the original film or tv series not my favourite. Like Titanic or Harry Potter. I also like multifandom vids, because I know how difficult to choose the right scene so many films or shows.
meta multi [x]
metallidean_grl - Video of the Week: There are so many good ones out there, so many to choose from. But, today I am going to go with a Dean centric vid. Shocker! I know. I am really missing me some Dean, want Season 7 to start now. So, let's settle for this lovely video. The song used is 'Beautiful Loser' by Bob Seger, and the vidder is jaredpadaleckifan. Comments from the vidder about this video are: The premiere of Season 6 of Supernatural inspired me to use this song, because when I saw it on them tv it fit Dean so well. Enjoy!!!!
spn [x]
re(c)-hymenated - Friday: Art & Multimedia: Poison & Wine ToruFinalFantasy | PG | Spoilers: Seasons 1-6 | Warnings: None | Fanvid I wanted make a video without manipulation, something that can explain why i am so in love with them. I honestly don't know if there is one word that can define their relationship, but is one of the most intense, real and beautiful I have ever seen on TV in a long time. While my normal vid tastes tend to run to the rougher, dramatic, and often heart-ripping variety, I like surprises that sneak up on you. That's what Poison & Wine does perfectly. The vidder succeeds in sharing all the moments Dean and Castiel have had without falling back on editing tricks. The scene selection pulls at your heart when it needs to, effectively drawing you into all the emotion of this pairing. We feel every betrayal, every silent prayer, every look of longing or understanding. It's simply a lovely, lovely vid.
spn [x]
campylobacter | Now THAT'S a hard-on: haking & crying & so gonna rec this on my LJ. Absolutely GORGEOUS fanvid.
http://t.co/AOsgP1C Turn to Stone: A Science Fiction Tribute Sat, 19:57: Video: “Turn to Stone: A Science Fiction Tribute” (by valamd ) This is why we geeks prefer sci fi to...
http://tumblr.com/xxs3o4fogg Sat, 20:37: OMG, Michaelson's song is gorgeous, and the clips valamd used are astounding in HD. Claudia's face as Vala, and …
http://j.mp/qMAIgy ZOMFG! YAY! When valamd first made this Ba'al/Qetesh fanvid, YouTube muted it b/c of the Linkin Park audio. SO GLAD …
http://j.mp/obUGPQSat, 22:57: FANVID REC: One Last Kiss by JaffaTech
http://j.mp/okB2VOSat, 23:18: FANVID REC: Faint by valamd (Ba'al/Qetesh)
sg1 [x]
sabaceanbabe | book rec: I started reading the books a couple of weeks after dangermousie recommended the first one (The Bronze Horseman and I did not want to put them down. And having finished the third one a couple of days ago, I’ve started reading them again and it’s amazing the difference it makes, knowing what I know now about these characters. Layers, baby. I love layers. They’re not perfect, and some people will be put off by the author’s writing style, which can at times be too detailed or too over the top with emotion, but once I got used to it, I wouldn’t have it any other way. My little brain wants to write fic, but I don’t know where to start. :P I did, however, find a couple of fanvids on YouTube, which surprised the heck out of me. I mean, where in the world did these people find appropriate footage? And in case you’re interested, I’ve embedded a couple that I found to be fairly well-made and appropriate to the story.
remix [x]
ponyville_trot | Best MLP:FIM fanvid ever: This is Celestia tier awesome. (Brief description: 1000 years before present, Princess Luna attempts to take over by dropping an atomic bomb on Ponyville. Then things get awesome. Totally fab musical score too.)