Recs posted in October, Part 1

Nov 01, 2011 21:51

[x] lunesque: A Wonder Woman vid?Hell to the yes!: A Wonder Woman vid? Hell to the yes!
tags: sep2011 comics

[x] Diary of an Evil Genius - This is my brain on SPN: I went looking for music vids, yay! Considering how early it is in the season, I found a TON of gorgeous gems. First here's a gorgeous vid about Sam and his hell memories by lockedinabathroom - And It Hurts Again. Also by lockedinabathroom is this beautiful, sympathetic little Castiel vid - Make Amends Before I Die. Another gorgeous, angsty Castiel vid, this time by xGlowingHeartx, showing how lost he's been and how badly he wanted to make things right once he came back to himself - Echo. This one by sparksfly221 gave me CHILLS. Poor Sam and his hallucinations... this vid rocks so hard! I'm Not Going Anywhere - This one by kaiyote is a very sad look at Castiel and all the shame he felt over what he'd done - Ashamed. And saving the best, IMO, for last... another from lockedinabathroom - When You Can't Take It Anymore. An absolutely gut-wrenching look at Sam's hallucinations and mental deterioration, and Dean trying to bring him back around. SO GORGEOUS.
tags: sep2011 spn

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - Hi, I'm a Marvel... and I'm a DC: The Musical by ItsJustSomeRandomGuy (pg): Hi, I'm a Marvel... and I'm a DC: The Musical by ItsJustSomeRandomGuy (pg) Vidder:  ItsJustSomeRandomGuy Musical artist: I think he wrote it himself Pairing:  None Vidder on LJ: none known. Vidder's website: Why this vid kicks ass: When Batman and Iron Man get together to discuss sequels, Iron Man reveals a unique way to respond to his critics and explain the bigger picture for his company's (as well as other company's) film slate.  (Marvel/DC/Mac/PC Parody/Review ) This guy has done a ton of vids, spoofing the Marvel and DC movieverses using the Mac/PC commercial format.  They're good vids, but far and away the best one is this one, which turns into a musical of Iron Man explaining the Marvel movie strategy to Batman, while Superman tries to defend the DC movies.  It's hilarious, partly because it's so true.  The more you know about comic book movies the funnier it is, but my parents who know almost nothing about comic book movies still enjoyed it.
tags: sep2011 comics

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: Hawaii Five 0 Me you and Steve: Hawaii Five 0 Me you and Steve Vidder: elandrialore Musical Artist: Garfunkel and Oates Pairing: implied Steve/Danny potential Danny/females Vidder on LJ: n/a Vidder's website: dreamwidth: Why this vid kicks ass: It is a song about a girl who tries to date a guy but the guy always brings his friend Steve along. It’s funny, cute and perfect for Danny. 
tags: sep2011 hawaii50

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - The Magic of Lionel Messi: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - The Magic of Lionel Messi Sep. 30th, 2011 at 5:41 PM meretriculathis is it for me on crack_van, at least for this month. see you all around! Vidder: ElAlonso Musical Artist: Coldplay - Fix You Pairing: Lionel Messi gen Vidder on LJ: n/a Vidder's website: ElAlonso14 on YouTube Why this vid kicks ass: It's Leo. :') For the most part I've avoided reccing anything that's really about football in an intrinsic fashion, but everyone should see Lionel Messi being his fucking genius self on the football pitch at least once. The moment when the guitar kicks in and he starts to run--it gets me, every time. If I can't be self-indulgent just this once, when can I? Watch it, appreciate it. It's a brilliant vid about a brilliant man.
tags: sep2011 rpf

[x] You're entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. - vid recs: Fight Club Cells by obsessive24 vidder's summary: All I do I want to do with you. The cult of Tyler Durden. After watching this I had to immediately re-watch the movie, so so awesome. My Own Private Idaho Momentary Seizure by wistful_fever vidder's summary: Love is a lot like having your shoes stolen. I first watched My Own Private Idaho when I was thirteen and ever since then it's been one of my favorite movies so I was overjoyed to find this vid. Source and song are in perfect harmony and everything is so very pretty. Plus the summary line is beyond spot on. Apocalypse Now Talk Show Host by thedeadparrot vidder's summary: well fucking well come and find me Heart Of Funkness by absolutedestiny Both these vids are both incredibly gorgeous and disturbing. Really really amazing!
tags: sep2011 movie fightclub

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - The Feet Continue To Dance: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - The Feet Continue To Dance Vidder: The Wizard of Ox Musical Artist: original mashup feat. Ray Hudson & Joaquim Maria Puyal Pairing: Lionel Messi gen Vidder on LJ: n/a Vidder's website: TheWizardofOxDotCom on YouTube or Why this vid kicks ass: The creativity that went into this is mindblowing. It's an original techno song featuring samples of two very famous football commentators reacting to Messi during live matches. (There's a really cool vid of just the goal-call that's used as the chorus here, if you're interested.) The vid itself is beautifully edited and features some brilliant kinetic typography. It's definitely something different, and it's so cool!
tags: sep2011 rpf

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC : THE PROFESSIONALS: I Want You by Savage Garden: THE PROFESSIONALS: I Want You by Savage Garden Sep. 30th, 2011 at 11:08 AM krisserci5Fandom: THE PROFESSIONALS Vidder: Ancasta Musical artist: Savage Garden Characters: Bodie, Doyle Vidder on LJ:ancastar Vidder's Website: Why this must be seen: Because it's fun, romantic, silly and constructed so very well, you'll hit play again immediately after the first viewing. She captured the fun that the lads can have, and the mischief that they do get into! This is in my top ten of all vids.
tags: sep2011 pros

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: SUPERNATURAL - Cosmic Love: SUPERNATURAL - Cosmic Love. Fandom: SUPERNATURAL Vidder: affablyevil Music: “Cosmic Love,” by Florence + the Machine Pairing: Gen (arguably as much Cas/Dean as canon) Vidder on LJ: affablyevil Warnings: Massive spoilers for seasons four and five. Violence, character death. Why this vid kicks ass: The full title of this vid is “Cosmic Love (Team Free Will versus the Agents of Fate)”, but it could be called “Supernatural: Our Show Is Prettier (and Angstier) Than Yours.” I'm astonished that this is only affablyevil’s second vid, because it is EPIC. Granted, it is apparently hard to go wrong vidding SPN to tracks off Lungs (see exhibit A, my previous rec “Rabbit Hearted Girl (Raise It Up)”), and she’s working with gorgeous visuals (I’m not just talking about the beautiful cast; the show has always featured striking imagery, but in seasons four and five the cinematography, art direction and FX were often especially great), but the way she’s cut the footage to the surging, soaring music make both elements even better. I really hope affablyevil keeps vidding. “Cosmic Love (Team Free Will versus the Agents of Fate)” (link to LJ entry with streaming and download options)
tags: sep2011 spn

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - Vid Rec: Star Wars The Phantom Menace - Post Blue: Star Wars The Phantom Menace - Post Blue. Vidder: Coolcia Musical Artist: Placebo Pairing: Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi Vidder on LJ: N/A Vidder Website:   Coolcia Why this vid must be viewed: Because it focuses purely on the Q/O relationship; it’s upbeat and sexy from the words and music to the scenes colored in blue.
tags: sep2011 starwars

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - El Clasico: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - El Clasico Vidder: Richard Swarbrick Musical Artist: Ludovico Einaudi - Lady Labirynth Pairing: gen Vidder on LJ: n/a Vidder's website: MissingPictures1 on YouTube or Why this vid kicks ass: WATCH THIS, IT'S AMAZING. Richard Swarbrick took the highlights from a very high-profile football match and made an animation out of the footage. It's a gorgeous work of art. The emotions that are conveyed through just the hasty paint-strokes of the animated figures--I can't even describe it. You have to watch and see for yourself.
tags: sep2011 rpf

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - Torna la gent normal: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - Torna la gent normal Vidder: fcbarcelona. Musical Artist: Manel - Torna La Gent Normal Pairing: gen (Barcelona-centric) Vidder on LJ: n/a Vidder's website: fcbarcelona on YouTube (combination of news reports, press conferences and music videos) Why this vid kicks ass: I'm not entirely certain this qualifies as a fanvid--it was made as a promotional video by the television channel associated with FC Barcelona. (Yes, they have their own television channel. Yes, that's ridiculous. But awesome.) But if you watch it, it's a fanvid; it just happens to have been made by someone with access to otherwise unavailable video footage. And it's such a wonderful vid about the sense of family at Barcelona, starting with some truly amazing footage (that no one else would be able to get, so yay BarcaTV!) of the players as kids at their academy. Everything I love about FC Barcelona, packaged into four minutes with a fantastic soundtrack. Watch it.
tags: sep2011 rpf

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - World Cup 2010: FOOTBALL (SOCCER) RPF - World Cup 2010 Sep. 30th, 2011 at 11:20 AM meretriculaVidder: Vlad Musical Artist: 65daysofstatic - Radio Protector Pairing: gen Vidder on LJ: n/a Vidder's website: TheVladVideo on YouTube Why this vid kicks ass: Football fandom doesn't really have vidders the way media fandoms do; pretty much everything is on youtube and almost all of it is goal compilations, game highlights set to techno music, and the occasional terrible slideshow of shippy pictures. The vidders who have real skill are usually interested in the showing the game, not the characters. This is one rare example that tries to show the game through the characters. Even if you have no interest in watching football, watch this vid. It's not about the sport; it's about the emotions of the people who play it. It's also one of the most beautiful vids I've ever seen.
tags: sep2011 rpf

[x] settiai: Catch-Up Reading: greensilver has made an absolutely amazing X-Men vid about Magneto (and Charles/Erik). Set to Sarah McLachlan. Yes, yes, I know. Just go watch it and declare love for the vidder, will you?
tags: sep2011 xmen

[x] amalthia | Iron Man, Stargate Atlantis, X-Men, and Vorkosigan/Doctor Who Recs + Wonder Woman Vid Rec: Wonder Woman Vid Rec Vidlet: I NEED A HERO [Wonder Woman] by beccatoria (vid:recs:wonderwoman) I loved all the action in the vid and how fitting it was for the song. :)
tags: sep2011 comics

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: WATCHMEN - Brand New Day: WATCHMEN - Brand New Day Vidder: Fahrbotdrusilla Musical Artist: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (Neil Patrick Harris) Pairing: gen, Adrian Veidt & Edward Blake Vidder on LJ: fahrbotdrusilla Vidder's website: teh_fahrbot Why this vid kicks ass: ...because it's Watchmen set to Dr. Horrible? And really, Brand New Day is the perfect song for Adrian's canon relationship with Eddie. This vid is one of those things that just had to happen at some point.
tags: sep2011 watchmen

[x] Want some candy, little fangirl? - VID REC: THE X-FILES (House MD Crossover) - Resist or Serve: THE X-FILES (House MD Crossover) - Resist or Serve. Finishing up my month of The X-Files recs with a Friday Night Drive-in crossover vid from my current fandom. It's been fun, folks! Vidder: KatrinDepp Musical artist: Groove addicts - The beast at our door Pairing: Ensemble Vidder on LJ: katrindepp Vidder's website: KatrinDepp on YouTube Why this vid kicks ass: The House MD episode Cane and Able had all the hallmarks of an X-Files episode minus Mulder and Scully, so it was only natural for someone to create a crossover vid. And since KatrinDepp made it, it's practically seamless and really cool.
tags: sep2011 xfiles house

[x] helens78: Do What You Have To Do by greensilver: l;akjsdfljf;askdjf OH OW OW OW MY HEART. Do What You Have To Do, a gorgeous vid by greensilver. Includes XMFC, X1, X2, and X3, and makes terrible angst out of X3 in the best possible way. OW MY HEART.
tags: sep2011 xmen

[x] klia | Vid rec: X-Men: greensilver just ripped my heart out and made me cry with her totally heartbreaking Erik/Charles vid to Sarah McLachlan's Do What You Have to Do. You can find it here. *grabs another tissue*
tags: sep2011 xmen

[x] shrift | Kings DVDs now 87% off: Did Sebastian Stan intrigue you as Bucky in Captain America? Have you been thinking about watching Kings because Ian McShane is magnificent? Did sweetestdrain's awesome Kings Vividcon Premieres vid make you curious? Get the DVDs just in time for yuletide!
tags: oct2011 kings

[x] yourlibrarian | Pinheads and pinboard: All of which reminds me of this fun vid by damned_colonial called A Vindication of the Rights of Woman which illustrates the TakeBackHalloween idea nicely by showing that women of the past were not shrinking violets.
tags: oct2011 multi

[x] [some kind of title] - vid recs:: Doctor Who: Kids by la_esmeralda_ River & Amy & Rory Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bachelorette by obsessive24 Ensemble w/ Buffy focus. In the shape of a girl Iron Man: Cuz I Can by arefadedaway Tony Stark + P!nk
tags: oct2011 drwho btvs ironman

[x] Vid Commentary: Challenge & Profiles - Enter the Void and Caged Bird by Luminosity, commentary by renenet: Enter the Void Vidder: Luminosity Commentary by: renenet and Title: Caged Bird Vidder: Luminosity Source: Last Year at Marienbad Commentary by: renenet
tags: movie oct2011

[x] rusty_halo | Linkspam: Did everyone see luminosity’s new vid about the awesome of Dean? I will show this to people to explain why I love him. :) :) Plus it’s Luminosity so goes without saying that the vid is technically brilliant. | Awww, this vid about how much Sam and Dean love each other. (Just ignore the abjectly awful song. ;P)
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] [some kind of title] - Sunday Night Vid Recs!: Kick-Ass / Wanted (+ other movies): Guitar Hero by genusshrike It's so depressing when people die in real life. Captain America / Iron Man / Avengers: I Summon You by kuwdora Steve Rogers/Tony Stark <3 Jane Eyre (2011): Can't Shake Loose by tearful_eye Oh, Jane. So gorgeous and heartbreaking. Doctor Who: Glósóli by such_heights and purplefringe Ensemble (Eleven era). Fairytales and dreams and magic.
tags: oct2011 avengers comics movie drwho

[x] settiai | Vid Insta-Rec: Have I mentioned lately that I love kuwdora? Because I really, really, really love kuwdora. ♥ I Summon You. How'd we get here, it's too late to break it off. They're connected even before meeting each other. Steve Rogers/Tony Stark. Marvel Cinematic Universe, including clips from Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Captain America, The Avengers trailer, and The Avengers sneak peek at the end of Captain America. So. Much. Love.
tags: oct2011 avengers comics

[x] [some kind of title] - vid recs:: Stargate Atlantis: The Colonel by lilly_the_kid McKay/Sheppard Harry Potter: Disarm by obsessive24 Draco, Draco/Harry Iron Man: Human by destina and barkley Tony Thor: Heart's A Mess by ageless_aislynn Sif/Loki
tags: oct2011 sga harrypotter ironman thor

[x] The problem with real life is that there's no danger music. - 9/50, double your pleasure:   kuwdora posted this like, 10 minutes ago, and it's chock-full of ♥ superhusbands ♥ as she puts it. Steve is Tony's inspiration on how to be a superhero! His crush! Future husband! The end.  *runs around in circles clockwise/runs around in circles counterclockwise/runs around more the end* I Summon You, vid by kuwdora, source: Captain America, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Avengers trailer + Avengers sneak peek at the end of Captain America's DVD
tags: oct2011 avengers comics

[x] anatsuno: sudden verbosity / recs wanted: hope asked me to rec her Inception vids, and with the help of my twitter peeps and Erin's bookmarks, I made a small list. My all time favorite is also Gav's, and it's the shortest vid I've ever loved: do it again, 22 seconds of fun (yes, 22s). Then there's kuwdora's Pasiv Face The Batman complex, a fake trailer for a 'constructed movie' (as opposed to a constructed reality), really awesome [under the sheets][uds], another shipping A/E vid He's moving up slowly, a constructed reality A/E vid using footage of a bunch of JGL & THard's movies to tell a slashy story set to Inertia Creeps (how could you say no to this?) My Freeze Ray, a humorous A/E vid to the Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog song.
tags: oct2011 inception

[x] talitha78 | Teen Wolf Vid Recs: Shit, you guys, I have really got to watch this Teen Wolf show pronto because the vids are freakin' HOT. First there was Into the Woods by elandrialore: Into the Woods from Elandria Lore on Vimeo. And now there's Pack from wistful_fever (wait for the break at 1:10, it is KILLER): How many hot guys does one show need, really? This seems a little excessive. *fans self*
tags: oct2011 teenwolf

[x] [some kind of title] - Vid Recs: Results of my random YouTube wanderings...: Multi: 21st Century Superheroes by Thunderjammers Superhero movies in 4 parts. Warehouse 13: I loved you from the start... by Dyzly24 Myka/HG Supernatural: Satellite Heart by Seekess Dean/Castiel, 7x02 vidlet Vampire Heart by AnAngelsHuman Dean/Castiel Doctor Who: so human:so beautiful by ChocolatEClairable Rory, Rory/Amy Skinny Love by whiimsy Amy/Rory Merlin: I Live To Let You Shine by Akarai92 Arthur/Merlin Legend of the Seeker: I Tremble by k9lover27 Cara/Kahlan love out of lust by kaweenaxd Cara/Kahlan Loving You With My Whole Heart by Se1275 Cara, Cara/Richard, Cara/Dahlia, Cara/Leo, Cara/Kahlan
tags: oct2011 multi spn drwho merlin legendoftheseeker

[x] Vid Commentary: Challenge & Profiles - Interview Series 2011: Gianduja Kiss: I’m currently obsessed with [Danegen’s] X-Men vid, Perfect Drug. Counteragent’s meta vids are just brilliant. Lithium Doll ... Big City Life is one of my all-time favorite vids; it makes me feel so much that it’s almost painful to watch. Don’t Panic and Ability to Swing by Luminosity, and In Your Eyes by Killa, all Highlander, are the vids that made me fall in love with vids. 
tags: oct2011 xmen darkangel highlander

[x] [some kind of title] - Vid Rec: The Wire: Beautiful Struggle by sdwolfpup The revolution is personal. Carver. Oh, Carver. It all matters. I know we thought it didn't, but it does.
tags: oct2011 the_wire

[x] [some kind of title] - Vid Recs!: Luther: Datenight by fahrbotdrusilla John/Alice. Their expressions kill me. I've watched this about a dozen times so far. Luther/Thor: E.T. also by fahrbotdrusilla Alice/Loki. Alice convinces Loki to allow her to join his army, also to form one. The crossover pairing I never knew I wanted... Doctor Who: Matches to Paper Dolls by xandra_ptv River, River/Doctor Iron Man: oh no! by VilyaXxX0llwyna (YT) Tony Stark <3
tags: oct2011 luther thor drwho ironman

[x] Awkward Paws - vid rec: Blood, Blood to the Bruise by beccatoria, Damages, Patty & Ellen. Snappily edited and very smart about the incredibly complicated relationship. Seasons 1 and 2 only (I think.) I would say more, but it's 8:30 in the morning. *yawn*
tags: oct2011 damages

[x] Vid Commentary: Challenge & Profiles - Burning Bridges by sisabet, commentary by here's luck and renenet: Burning Bridges Vidder: sisabet Fandom: Friday Night Lights Link to vid: on LiveJournal / on AO3 Summary: This is the story of... Commentary by: heresluck and renenet
tags: oct2011 fridaynightlights

[x] astridv: Rec of the day: Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg) Length: 6:58 min I'm not sure if this is an unofficial fan film? It looks absolutely professional in any case. Suspenseful, well-acted, great production value... actually it makes me want to play Portal.
tags: oct2011 remix

[x] Vid Commentary: Challenge & Profiles - Some Time Around Midnight by bop_radar, commentary by tree: Some Time Around Midnight Vidder: bop_radar Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
tags: oct2011 bsg

[x] [some kind of title] - Vid Rec: Avengers (multi movies): this is war... by angelwings4191 movies: Captain America, Iron Man 1 & 2, Thor, Hulk
tags: oct2011 multi comics

[x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Insta vidrec...: Happy making Jared/Jensen, Kurt/Blaine (Glee) fanvid by fatedcinderella. Just.... Awwwwwwwwwww
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] goddess amulet - Vampire Diaries Vid Rec: Rumor Has It by gigantic, Stefan/Klaus vs. Stefan/Everyone Else Ever. Oh, Klaus, you magnificent bastard. No wonder Stefan can't resist your charms. I am psyched for tonight's episode! Let's hope it's a reckoning worth watching.
tags: oct2011 vampirediaries

[x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Dean/Cas vid rec...: Thought those who like Dean/Cas might enjoy this. Even if you don't, it's a damn pretty vid. Feedback: Ilovethesepeople
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] hold your breath and count to ten, let's fall apart and start again - Good Intentions Foiled by Beer and the Internet: First, this awesome amazing Wire vid. Beautiful Struggle by sdwolfpup. It's a Carver vid to a Talib Kweli song and OMG I love it so much. It's just so amazingly done and Carver and Bodie and Randy! After watching it I was so disappointed that I don't own the show on DVD so I could re-watch some things. I loved Carver and his journey so much on the show and this vid really did it justice.
tags: oct2011 the_wire

[x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps -: doctor who | eleven is cool by humansrsuperior he really is! lots of ridiculously adorable eleven. multi | run for life by alohomoraa if you ask me why I am still running / i'll tell you I run for us all primeval | dreams by starrylizard hypnotic season 1 vid. the quality is a bit meh, but i loved it anyway. (STEEEEPHEN, omg) reservoir dogs | come on by lilly_the_kid tell me what our hands were made for - lots of blood and violence and looove. sports | devils in disguise by di_br tennis ... federer, nadal and djokovic. and i have no idea how this vid is so awesome to me, but it is! stargate atlantis | ça plane pour moi by purplefringe john sheppard - adorkable, ridiculous, utterly awesome. x-men (all movies) | these are the days (of miracles and wonder) by kaydeefalls ensemble vid. so makes me all achy inside.
tags: oct2011 drwho multi primeval movie rpf sga xmen

[x] Vid Commentary: Challenge & Profiles - Coming to Your City by blissfire, commentary by schneefink: Coming to Your City Vidder: blissfire Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
tags: oct2011 sga

tags: oct2011 eagle movie

[x] Vid Commentary: Challenge & Profiles - Becoming Brothers by Kass, commentary by here's luck: Becoming Brothers Vidder: kass Fandom: Friday Night Lights
tags: fridaynightlights oct2011

[x] heresluck | two vids I love: sdwolfpup has finally posted her epic Wire vid of unadulterated awesomeness. It is set to Talib Kweli's Beautiful Struggle, thus combining an amazing show and an amazing song into something that is somehow even greater than the sum of its parts. I have so many thoughts about this vid that I literally don't know where to begin, so that will have to wait for another day. All I can say is that you should go watch it. It's heartbreaking and hopeful and angry and thoughtful and -- basically, my life is a lot better because this vid exists. Seeing it come into being over the past few weeks has been a humbling experience and a tremendous joy.
tags: the_wire oct2011

[x] fan_eunice | Vid Rec, OMG: sdwolfpup made an incredible Wire vid to Beautiful Struggle and you need to click on that link there right now. I HAVE ALL THE FEELINGS IN THE WORLD about this vid. It all matters. I know we thought it didn't, but it does. - Ellis Carver This is the summary for the vid and, YES THAT. I had, like, other shit to say about what she did here with Carver's story and how it ties in to what the show was doing and stuff, and how freaking genius and heartbreaking this vid is, but words. Really, you need to just go watch it. Yes, I just linked to it a second time. That would be a hint.
tags: oct2011 the_wire

[x] elisi's humble abode - Good things that I wanted to share. (Spoilers for the DW S6 finale!): Invincible [Extended] by humansrsuperior. My own personal summary: Fuck Yeah, River Song! Anyone who had a problem with her in the finale should watch this. Anyone who LOVED her in the finale should watch this. Really, everyone should watch it, because she's the goddamn River Song.
tags: oct2011 drwho

[x] My Bend in the Road - More Non-SPN Vid Recs & News: The first video is a fan-made video of past season clips from House. I love House. I enjoy his struggles and how he's so fallible and trying so hard to hide that he cares. He's so dysfunctional and I love his relationship with Wilson--they're so funny. I sure will miss Cuddy this season. I enjoyed her and House's banter and complicated relationship. Anyway, back to the video rec. I love the music, coloring and overall style of this video and I hope someone out there enjoys it too. The second video I'm sharing comes from the Smallville fandom...because, yes, darn it, I miss it. I miss it a lot. I know some people lost their love for it and felt it was corny, but I sometimes need something less deep, dark and depressing. I like that we always knew who the good guys were and who the bad guys were (for the most part). I actually LIKE that they didn't take the characters so far out of what felt natural for them. It was nice to just be entertained without a ton of angst. I love heroes. This video is beautiful--gorgeous. I like the music and the sentiment. I'm a sucker for romance and things of this nature. Enjoy.
tags: oct2011 house smallville

[x] Life Viewed Through an Amber Focus - Vid Rec: She'll Never Be You: I really liked this vid and thought I'd share.  It's an Eleven/Rose vid with River, and it's basically having the Eleventh Doctor remember Rose and thinking that River will never be Rose.  It's not in any way a bashing video, though, and it was very well done, made my heart strings tug a bit, you know?  It's edited in such a way as to show Eleven having far more emotion than you usually see on him.  The person did a great job with that.  It's by eighttimesacharm.
tags: oct2011 drwho

[x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Hurt!Sam vid rec: Haust by secretlytodream Song/Artist: Haust by Olafur Arnalds Summary: Come on, Sam. Don't you know what's real? Dean, 7x02. Why I'm reccing the vid: 1) It's an absolutely exquisite study of Sam and Hell 2) It's exactly the kind of Sam vid I wanted to see since the start of the season and 3) I can't stop watching it (even though it hurts) and I wanted to share.
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] My Bend in the Road - Psych/Supernatural Fans? Depressed, This Helped: instead, I will share the little video that totally cheered me up afterward. I, for one, would love to see a Psych/Supernatural crossover episode--on both shows. That would be awesome because I love these men duos so much. Plus, this also kicks off the week before Psych premieres on Wednesday--YAY! Totally, go watch this video and smile. :) I've Got the Magic in Me! Yes, they sure do.
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] Stultiloquentia - Glee Recs: I'm Yours - hazelk - The show it almost was; the show you wish it were. Music Again - anoel - And again. Black Velvet - wistful_fever - Kurt, heartbreaking and triumphant. Not Your Toy - wistful_fever - The lyrics may not be an exact match (though you gotta love this is not another 'girl meets boy'), but the sass is flawless. And she makes me laugh when she zeroes in on things like Kurt's gaze dropping, ever so briefly, to Blaine's mouth while they're in the middle of a yelling match. Viva la Vida - gleekstarkidpotter - The picture quality is mediocre on this one. I like it anyway, because she skips a bunch of the big, frequently-vidded shipper moments in favour of a piggybank full of tiny, often overlooked facial expressions, the sum of which hit all my strong foundational friendship buttons. Really emphasizes the whole, WTF is The Dead Poets Society doing in the middle of my terrible, Skittles-coloured musical comedy? thing. If you don't know these characters at all, you're just dipping in because Stulti is reccing stories, and you'd like to have a visual aide to go with said stories, I suppose this is the vid to watch.
tags: oct2011 glee

[x] Diary of an Evil Genius - SPN Vid Rec - Haust, by Loki: (SPOILER WARNING: I'm about to mention certain details from Supernatural 7x01 and 7x02. I apologize if I spoil anyone, but I didn't want to hide this rec behind a cut.) I've been jonesing since the season premiere for a juicy, full-length, in-depth vid about Sam and his mental collapse, and now... now we finally have one. And it is GLORIOUS. For starters, it's a Loki vid. And when Loki makes a Sam vid, you know you're in for an emotional roller coaster. She knows exactly how to get inside Sam's head and bring it across in vid-form, the music and editing are always stunning, just the right amount of voiceovers are used at exactly the right times, the clips she finds to parallel each other blow your mind, and the whole thing comes together in such a way that you FEEL what Sam is feeling rather than passively watching a video. And this one... wow. She works in the occasional clip from previous seasons to flesh out Sam's hallucinations even more, to make his confusion over who to believe all the more potent, and to just plain make us all weep. Absolutely incredible. I was all teary and goosebumpy by the end of it.
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] Dorothea - Recs: Merlin, SGA, XMFC: X-Men First Class (via dodificus) Never Tear Us Apart by maichan808 (Erik/Charles). Constructed Reality Vid, vielleicht auch Reincarnation Vid oder Highlander AU, wer weiß? ;) We could live for a thousand years...
tags: oct2011 xmem

[x] The Crack Impala - friday - vids/art/icons/misc: When You Can't Take It Anymore lockedinabathroom | R | Mentions of torture You can't torture someone who has nothing left for you to take away... A reflection on episode 7.02. The vidder takes everything that was said and done in the episode and slows it down so it can punch you in the gut. Wake Up and Fight secretlytodream | PG-13 | When Sam is attacked and marked for possession by a 'Hell Bearer,' Dean will stop at nothing to save his brother. Pain and exhaustion he's handled before; however, adding to that the horrific memories of Hell may be too much for this world-weary hunter to bear. This post has many selections of goodies for you. A fanmix, a trailer, and a teaser of the fic it's based on.
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] Not Quite By Firelight - Vid Rec: Come, Little Children: I can't believe I have never seen this vid before. HOW DID YOU GUYS LET ME MISS THIS!? Shame on you!!! In a possibly related note - I think I may have just discovered where my intense creepedoutedness re: kids comes from. O.o
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps -: harry potter | this is war (yt link) by agentofCHAOS13x idk, i really loved this. spoilers for all the movies. multi/crossover | tragic kingdom by missbreese disney vids. just brilliant, omg. GO WATCH! starter for 10 | ask by greensilver absolutely wonderful. and filled with james mcavoy loveliness. (ugh that man) x-men | never tear us apart by maichan808 erik and charles and all their past and future lives. together. *flails a little* also: FESTIVIDS \o/ omg. go, sign up!
tags: oct2011 harrypotter multi disney movie xmen

[x] astridv: Rec of the day: Let's become stories by hayaaateuh (FMA amv) ensemble vid with a side of Roy/Riza / Song: Diamonds by The A-Sides Very convincing constructed reality! The vid starts slow, with a recapping of past events; then when the music speeds up it tells a story of what happened after canon ended. Okay, so Hayaaateuh says the vid is not her headcanon... it's not my headcanon either, that's for sure! Some events in this vid? Never happen, in my mind! :P But headcanon or not, it's just so well done! She has edited not just clips together but also details within the frames, so you look at certain sequences and wonder which fma ova you've missed.
tags: oct2011 fma

[x] musesfool | i surrender, shoot me down: Jesus Walks by mimesere (Angel; Gunn) and Winter by Wolfling and Magpie (LotR; Eowyn) were the first vids that really resonated for me. I think I've said before that I'm not a really visual person and I also have a lot of quirks about music (I have to like a song to like a vid, or not actively hate it, anyway, and if I can't figure out how it works with the characters in the vid, I can't enjoy it), and how I dislike anything that tries to overwrite what I think a song is about with another narrative - this goes even for videos made by the musical artists. So I was definitely a latecomer to the appreciation of vids, and I still pretty much only get them on a really rudimentary level, but when they connect with me, they really connect. And these two really, really did. Slow Down Gandhi by obsessive24 (BSG; Gaeta, Zarek) is a brilliant indictment of the Roslin/Adama administration with a song that fits eerily well. Another vid that does a really great job in looking critically at the source is Handlebars by deejay (Iron Man; Tony Stark), which again matches a song and a character so perfectly that it's a little scary. Watershed by kaydeefalls (AtLA; Aang, Zuko) was actually made for me because I think Watershed is uncannily perfect for an AtLA vid - possibly a little on the nose, but kaydeefalls did a brilliant job with it and I have watched it many, many times with great happiness because it's even better than what I imagined it could be. I've watched One Girl Revolution by arefadedaway (multi; awesome ladies) more times than I can count, and I think it's made me cry every time, because look at these fierce ladies being awesome; I defy you to tell me there are no good female characters after watching this vid. And also, of course, simmering with anger at how these women are often treated by their own narratives. Speaking of awesome ladies, many, many viewings of Boom Boom Pow by hollywoodgrrl (Fringe; Olivia Dunham) got me though the last two summer hiatuses. If you enjoy watching Olivia shoot people in the head, as well as a lot of cleverness in how the song suits the wacky world of Fringe, I can't recommend this vid highly enough. I've also enjoyed I Need a Hero by beccatoria (DCAU; Wonder Woman) immensely. Because Wonder Woman is awesome and so is this vid. American Tune by greensilver (West Wing; ensemble, but the Leo stuff is what I remember) and Rise by chaila43 are two West Wing vids that have also made me sob like a baby more than once. Big City Life by lithiumdoll (Dark Angel; Max) is awesome at showing everything Dark Angel could have been. Whenever I need some Max/Alec inspiration and don't want to pull out the dvds, I watch this vid. New Frontier by heresluck (Serenity; Mal, River) is amazing at highlighting how the movie was Mal and River's story, and how Mal and River both regain agency through what happens in it. Post Blue by obsessive24 (Firefly; Simon/River) is the quintessential Crazy Space Incest vid in my head. Even now when I hear the song I see the images from this vid, and always think of it as a Simon/River song. Sadly, For Blue Skies, the SPN vid that had the honor of being the only vid I put on my iPod, is no longer available online, but it made me cry a lot, as it envisioned Sam and Dean forgiving each other after the end of s4.
tags: vudrec1 oct2011 angel lotr bsg ironman atla multi fringe comics westwing darkangel firefly spn

[x] dodificus | Rec: X Men First Class: Never Tear Us Apart Vidder: maichan808 Fandom: XMFC Pairing: Charles/Erik Summary: We could live for a thousand years... This is a very cool constructed reality vid. There's a part towards the end where you have some dialogue audible over the music and I *love* what that dialogue implies about the story the vidder has created.
tags: vudrec1 oct2011 xmen

[x] kuwdora | vid rec: Perfect (Sherlock BBC): alizarin_nyc just posted her first ever vid! It's called Perfect and it's John/Sherlock. Go, go, watch! ♥
tags: oct2011 sherlock

[x] metallidean_grl - Video of the Week: Until then, here is a wonderful vid for you to watch. Considering that this season is once again focusing more on the Winchester brothers and their travails and troubles, I thought it fitting this week to choose a video that focuses on the brothers.  This is a wonderful song. The title is called, For My Brother and the vidder is AncastaR.   The lyrics of the song go so well with the scenes that were chosen in this vid. And the end lyrics fit our brothers so well. For my brother, who keeps me sane and tells me everything will be okay.
tags: oct2011 spn

[x] talitha78 | Insta-recs for a vid and a fic series: Just watched this masterpiece from the wondrous maichan808: Never Tear Us Apart, a Charles/Erik constructed reality vid that uses external source seamlessly and gorgeously. Embed below. If ever there was cause to call something EPIC, this is it. *beams*
tags: oct2011 xmen

[x] talitha78 | Vid insta-rec: Show Me Your Teeth (Thor/Loki): Talk about a perfect song choice: Show Me Your Teeth. Because Loki is Lady Gaga. There can be no doubt. Take a bite of my bad girl meat. YES. *clappyhands*
tags: oct2011 thor

[x] were_duck | Na Na Na Ponies: I'm just going to leave this right here: [embed] | Oh my gawd, it's all pony amazingness condensed into 3.3 minutes with brilliant editing and impeccable lipsynching.
tags: oct2011 mylittlepony

[x] yue_ix: /hiatus, merlin starting & happy recs: Happy feelings recs to close the post: VID Merlin - Yours are the Sweetest Eyes by hmsharmony, Merlin & Gwen share all the adorable smiles VID White Collar RPF - Danse (rpv) by Ayrotciv8, collection of silly and happy moments on set and publicity shoots
tags: oct2011 merlin whitecollar

[x] vivien | Ten years: Betsey Dodd, the first person I knew who did vids. She did the bestest vids. I've often wished I had digital copies of my favorites. She did several... and now she's uploaded them to YouTube! Not all, but Gravity of Love, She Blinded Me with Silence, the Silent Pilot. They are all behind the cut. Gravity of Love: Silent Pilot, Part 1 (the other two parts are on her channel) She Blinded Me with Science Nostalgic fandom times... I loved being a part of OBSSE back in the day.
tags: oct2011 xfiles

[x] sometimes you need a story - SPN Vid re-rec: Here's a vid rec: Kill a Man by zimshan. I've already recced this vid -- it has a universal quality and is good for various fandom occasions.
tags: oct2011 spn

This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that are publicly posted. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (especially ones that use tags) or have specific links to share, please let us know.

recs, oct2011, sep2011

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