Title: Ode to Optophobia, or: Ten Men That Loved Annie Edison (6/19)
Author: veryspecial0ne
Rating: R for the whole series, to be safe.
Word count: ~2800 for this installment, ~17,900 for the series thus far. (Hey, Meta 101 counts it for me! Mine was off...?)
Disclaimer: I have now been tweeted by both Dan Harmon and Alison Brie. I'm pretty
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Comments 25
I like how you wrote Colby, and love how well you handled Troy/Abed, they must be a difficult pair to write in a fic, to keep them in-character but not make them sound too ridiculous.
Thank you for reading!
Your comment about Troy and Abed is what brought me out of lurking. Mainly because I want to compliment you on it. I really enjoyed them in this story. The bit with Troy hiding behind Spider-man and his little "huzzah" worked wonderfully for the character.
Seriously, good job.
I am a sucker for Annie backstory, and this feels really full and complete. Every character has been a whole person and not some stereotype.
Really wonderful job so far.
And god, I love that song. I'm pretty sure that's actually like the first one she ever put up on YouTube, and it's so perfect for Annie because seriously, it's just about wanting to be loved.
Anyway, I totally feel you on the whole Abed and Troy dialogue. I always feel like my Abed/Troy dialogue feels charicature-ish too. But yours definitely did not. I really enjoyed the whole chapter. The way you have woven the men of Annie's past into her present is unbelievably awesome! Great job, can't wait to read more!
Thanks for the feedback!
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