Rounds #4 and #5 are officially closed, so please take a moment to vote for your favorites. I combined them because there were only a few entries for round #5.
Speaking of round #5- I was a bad beta this week and didn't get a chance to return a fic in a timely manner, so one author using the
Fanfic Squared Challenge wasn't able to meet the deadline. Instead of granting an extension, which I'm not doing anymore, I'm just adding that challenge to
the round #6 challenges, and I think I'll keep it for at least a few rounds so that we still have five challenges each month and in hopes that other writers consider using it. A lot of really great authors
offered up their work, so check it out.
This poll will close next Monday (February 8th) evening. Anyone can vote in this poll, so feel free to pimp this out so non-members who have read your story elsewhere get a chance to support you.
Poll Game On Rounds #4/5 Awards Poll Remember, this poll will close one week from today.
Round #6 is currently open, and round #7 challenges will be announced on the 10th. In case you missed it, round #7's theme challenge will be Free-For-All,
so go here to read more about it and leave your prompt ideas! You can also keep an eye on it so you can decide which ones you want to claim once the round is officially announced!
If you've got any questions/comments/concerns, let me know here. Thanks!