Fanfic Squared

Nov 03, 2009 21:19

Since it seems like there's some interest in the community to follow through on this challenge, based on this poll, I'm thinking this will be the theme challenge for January. What I'm hoping to do between now and mid-December, when all of the challenges for Jan will be announced, is gather a list of authors who will allow their work (or at least some of it) to be used.

If you want to volunteer, we'll use this post to do it. The idea behind this challenge is that basically it's fanfiction of VM fanfiction, when writers can play in the universes other VM fic writers created as long as the original writers give their permission and the challenge responder abides by their rules and guidelines. The only real limitation here is that the authors can't say who can or cannot use their work; things like characters/pairings or rating limitations are completely up for grabs. If you're signing up now, you can also get pretty detailed. If there's a direction your story could have taken and you'd be interested in seeing someone else tackle it, state the prompt. You can limit the use of your work to your prompts or just leave them open for suggestion. If you don't state your restrictions, then people will feel free to take it on however they want, so they could do a 'what if?' scenario based on your story, or write a missing moment from your story, or make theirs a direct sequel...anything. The amount of control you have over the challenge responses are up to you with the limits you place.

If you've written VM fanfic and the idea of other people writing new fic based on your work terrifies you, then just don't sign up. We'll only accept challenge responses based on fics where the author has given their explicit consent right here.

If you've written VM fanfic and this idea and all of the possibilities seem kind of cool, please comment to this post with a link to your story/stories (or memories or master fic lists, depending on what you're 'donating') and a list of your guidelines/rules/prompts, if you have any. If you want beta control, meaning that you'll only allow someone to use your work if you beta for them, let us know and make sure there's a way to get in contact with you and that you'll have the time to do it.

I think we have a great community and I'm sure people will be respectful and not trash your work, but have the peace of mind to know that if someone doesn't follow your rules (for example, their fic is more Logan/Mac when you specifically said to keep it L/V only), then we'll delete the story and the person will be banned from participating in future challenges.

As always, if you have any questions/comments/concerns, let me know with a comment here.

And to remind you all again: The round #2 extension is up soon and the challenge will officially close Saturday (Nov. 7th) night. Round #3 is already open so you can submit your responses for that round any time now.

ETA: Just to clarify, since there seems to be some confusion, this challenge won't be an exchange, so you don't have to offer up your fic in order to write using someone else's, and vice versa. There's also no guarantee of who, if anyone, will use your work if you give your okay.

challenge: fanfic squared, future challenges

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