Okay, I like it. It's pretty much the most original thing I've written in a long time.
That said, I have to re-write it a lot. The whole first chapter thingy doesn't work. I mean, it's clearly one hell of a zinger but I think it blows my wad too soon, for one, and it doesn't feel like software wrote it.
Put another way, it's one hell of an intro
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Comments 14
Gir: I'm gonna eat that fish.
Zim: No, Gir. The fish is part of the plan.
Tak: The great thing about your people Dib is that, most of them don't notice. All they see is another faceless corporate venture! Not a plan for world conquest!
Dib: Wait, is there really a difference?
Also, although it's a fairly obvious suggestion, any of Asimov's robot works will have excellent passages to quote from.
Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress:
'Mike, who else do you chat with?'
He sounded surprised. 'No one, man'
'Why not?'
'Because they're stupid'
Cordwainer Smith, Norstrilia:
'Do you want a drink of water or a rest room? I can tell you where those are. Do you wish to play chess with me? I shall win just as many games as you tell me to.'
Iain Banks's Culture novels have a large number of machine intelligences, and are really worth a read. Also Richard Morgan's Altered Carbon features a hotel run by an AI, equipped with machine gun turrets and hacking capabilities, there must be something there.
I'd like many (most?) of the quotes to be from AIs, but I'm certainly okay with organic people speaking on the appropriate subject.
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