1. Do not intentionally consume any high fructose corn syrup for one month, starting two days ago (the 7th). If it goes well, consider two months. This includes not just candy, but the sneaky things like ketchup and bread.
2. Update my flickr page on at least a semi-regular basis, i.e. once a month or more.
I'm baking these cookies right now, a recipe that's a bit new to me, and I keep thinking, I wonder if they would be better if I creamed the sugar with the butter instead of with the eggs? Or what if I added mint extract? Do mint and vanilla extract go together, or do I need to reduce the vanilla to compensate? If only I had four ovens and could
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Listening to a recording of myself from four and a half years ago (I experimented briefly with an audio journal), I have absolutely no recollection of making the recording, yet I can finish my own sentences. My predictability is simultaneously amusing and horrifying
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Seriously, I thought there had been an explosion under or near the house. I wonder if earthquakes are felt more intensely along the fault line? The epicenter was about 8 miles away, but the same fault runs down my block.
One of my labmates sent me a link to this video, right after I said, while brandishing a large roll of plastic wrap, "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you."
My car now sports duct-tape repairs...in two places. The mechanic wanted $140 per window to fix the weatherstripping, needed two days to order the parts from the dealer, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow. I decided to improvise. They don't call me White Trash Wendy for nothin
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