(no subject)

Nov 30, 2010 18:07

I just remembered that I never posted these here. Last month I "did" the fangirl_tour where you get to post 13 recs of anything you wish to squee over. So if your interested, there are 13 of my favorite fanvids linked beneath the cuts.

Fandom: Movie Musicals - multi
Title: Gene Kelly - Dancin’ with Myself
Vidder: jetpack_monkey
Alternate Link: streaming at YouTube
Summary: If he had a chance, he'd ask the world to dance. Which he kinda did. 

A retrospective of Gene Kelly's various great dance scenes, starting with his solo work and building from there.
Why I fangirl this: Gene Kelly was my first and most enduring crush. I challenge you to watch this and feel it’s not “Almost Like Being in Love.”

Fandom: Movie Musicals - multi
Title: Happiness
Vidder: icepixie
Creator’s Note: Fred and Ginger dancing make me happy. This song makes me happy. Put them together, and you have joy squared! I hope it makes you happy too.
Why I fangirl this: My ideas of elegance were formed early, based on these musicals. And I still think nothing can truly compare today.

Fandom: Movie Musicals - The Sound of Music
Title: Lullabye for a Stormy Night
Vidder: barkley
Summary: Maria is a rock in a storm.
Why I fangirl this: Gorgeous music and innovative cuts bring a breathtaking freshness to another favorite of my childhood.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Almost Unreal
Vidder: karli_meaghan, her creative journal is wicked_visions
Alternate Link: streaming at YouTube
Summary: Bastian and his reactions and experiences are supposed to represent the average HP readers/fans. It's a tribute to the amazing story of HP, and is dedicated to J.K. Rowling (though I doubt she'll ever see it).
Why I fangirl this: Harry Potter was my first experience with online fandom and I this showcases both how JK Rowling's magical world and the fandom experience enchanted me.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: Handlebars
Vidder: Seah and Margie, flummery
Rating: NWS? - violence
Summary: I'm the Doctor. Look me up.
Why I fangirl this: You can watch this once and enjoy the song and pretty pictures and see it as a loving salute to Ten, which it is, but it shows his fey and whimsical personality and also his utter ruthlessness. In my eyes, haunting.

Fandom: Torchwood
Title: All the Pretty Little Horses
Vidder: hollywoodgrrl
Rating: Same as the show - R?
Creator’s Notes: I came out of Torchweek a bit obsessed with the idea of Jack as the Pied Piper. I'm sure it's somewhat textually intentional because of his actions with the children in the 60's, but upon further ponderings it actually fits with Jack as a character. He's literally the one who leads Team Torchwood to their doom. Just like the Doctor invites a companion aboard the TARDIS, Jack recruits his team, but they don't quite go on the same ride. They don't get the wonders of the universe. As Suzie puts it, "This planet is so dirty that's all we get, the shit.” Torchwood gets the shorter straw, and everyone falls into an endless cycle of death and madness. It's just how it is. 

Looking at the bigger picture proves that ultimately no one comes out of Torchwood unmarked, not even those who survive.
Why I fangirl this: It’s a long held fandom trope that ultimately, being immortal leads to madness as you watch every one you touch die. After viewing this, everything about the show even CoE fell into place in my understanding.

Fandom: Supernatural
Title: Supernatural: At the Movies
Vidder: ash48 with graphics by maichan808
Alternate Link: streaming at YouTube
Summary: Supernatural is not just one genre...
Why I fangirl this: One of my hardest choices, this is an very creative and innovative fanvid that showcases the diversity not only of the show but this corner if fandom.

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - A McKay / Sheppard AU
Title: The Tree
Vidder: newkidfan
Summary: Since the day John left him, Rodney hasn't moved.
Why I fangirl this: I have never seen anything like this on the big screen or my computer scene. If you only have the time / patience for one, please make it this one.

Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Title: Read My Mind
Vidder: marycrawford
Summary: "Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!"
Why I fangirl this: I had trouble editing my choices but there was never any doubt in my mind that Sherlock Holmes would be included. I read SH is the original fandom and the first slash pairing. None of which I knew when I first encountered him in my childhood! Even though most won't have seen the Granada TV series these clips come from, it is undoubtably Sherlock Holmes. The elegance, pacing, the chemistry between the players, this is the version of Holmes that lives in my mind.

Fandom: Disney/Chicago
Title: The Disney Cell Block Tango
Vidder: Lux061091
Rating: Work Safe unless it inspires you to sing along as it has me on occasion....
Summary: Based on the musical "Chicago", Medusa, Evil Queen, Ursula, Anastasia, Cruella DeVil and Maleficent sing their own stories in the Cell Block Tango.
Why I fangirl this: This is my favorite form of stress relief. I play this through a couple of times, loudly, and I feel better!
*Click and stop. Allow to fully load before playing to avoid stopping in the middle.

Fandom: Multi fandom
Title: I’m Your Man
Vidder: charmax
Alternate Link: streaming at YouTube
Rating: should be Work Safe
Creator’s Note: Made for the International Day Of Femslash. As it's a celebration of clichés I've allowed myself some truly spectacular literalism, I remain unrepentant.
Why I fangirl this: I’m not very sophisticated. I did see the clichés, but what impressed me was a celebration of beautiful, warm, strong, sexy women.

Fandom: Multi fandom
Title: I Want Candy
Vidder: laurashapiro and vagabondage
Rating: NWS for brief flashes of nudity
Summary: So sweet, you make my mouth water.
Why I fangirl this: Lots and lots of eye candy in a tongue-in-cheek vid. Enough for everyone!

Fandom: Multi fandom
Title: I’ve Been to a Marvelous Party
Vidder: charmax
Alternate Link: streaming at YouTube
Rating: NWS because it's entirely too good of a party!
Why I fangirl this: This is my thanks to the wonder that is the Fangirl Tour!

vid, recs

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