Jan 29, 2010 18:37

Name: Emy
Stamped as: Ned

Give us 5 to 10 positive adjectives describing you: honest, fair, independent, creative, analytical, loyal
(Let's not focus on the negatives that much) Give us 3 to 5 negative adjectives describing you: unsympathetic, passive, awkward, wimpy, nervous
What do you think draws other people to you?: Well honestly I don't think people are drawn to me. I kind of tend to hide in a corner, not drawing attention to myself. But if people do end up getting to know me, I think they might like me for my sense of humor. I tend to see almost everything as being really funny, or just bizarre. I'd say I bond with most people over a shared sense of humor.
Likes/hobbies/talents: Mainly science. Specifically biology and animal behavior. I love trying to figure out tough questions, think about new ways of addressing problems, and being really critical about the reasons why things happen. I've put my talent of being a huge cynic to use. Also I've always loved animals, and just want to figure out why the heck they do what they do. I also really like art. Both doing it and looking at it. It's relaxing and fulfilling whenever I can work up the energy to do it.
Pet peeves/dislikes: I dislike dishonesty very much. People beating around the bush and not saying what they really mean drives me crazy. I also get very upset when things aren't fair. My mom used to always say to "Well life's not fair," and that always gets on my nerves! Even while watching sports games, I'll always side with the ref if I think he made a fair call, even if it goes against my team. I just can't stand cheaters and liars.

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted: Introverted. I'm totally inside my head all the time and get nervous and just drained from big social interactions.
Selfish or selfless: Selfish. I always think about how things will affect me before thinking of anyone else.
A leader or a follower: Neither. I'm not a leader, but I am really independent. I usually do my own thing, regardless of whether anyone is following me or not.
Impulsive or cautious: Uh both. I'm not a planner AT ALL. I'd much rather go with the flow, and usually do. But I'm so wimpy and scared of stuff, so I'm also cautious
Emotional or stoic: I'm not emotional really, but I hesitate to describe myself as stoic, because I think that conjures up images of really serious peoplea, and I am anything but that. Everything makes me laugh, or smirk. There are just a lot of really bizarre things out there, that NEED to be laughed at! But I'm not an emotional person. It's hard for me to sympathize with others. I'm always thinking and analyzing, rather than "going with my gut."
Optimistic or pessimistic: I know this is an annoying non-answer, but I really trying to be a "realist." I think about things logically and make decisions based on that. I'm very cynical, but I usually do have hope that something good will happen in the end. Maybe I'm a secret optimist?
Mature or immature: Mature. I kind of laugh a lot, in all types of situation, which might be immature. But I'm a really good thinker, so I think I tend to make good decisions. Is that being mature?
Confident or shy: Shy. I'm constantly doubting myself, and worrying. It's hard for me to open up and relax.

The movie about you...
What types of movie do you generally watch/like?: My favorite movies are ones that just make me straight up laugh. Movies like Dumb & Dumber or The Jerk definitely aren't intellectual or ground breaking, but I just love to laugh. I also like movies that really make you think. I looove trying to figure out the mystery before people in the movie do. In general any movie that succeeds in making me care and sympathize with the characters is a very special movie, because as I am often a robot when it comes to emotions, I don't always connect with most characters and therefore don't care about the movie. I also like movies with pretty colors and style, which is the original reason I got into Wes Anderson.
What is your movie about? Is it about love, finding yourself, friendship, tragedy?: It'd definitely be about the mundaneness and averageness of life. There has been no great tragedy or epic love story in my life, but I still think I'm a pretty interesting person. I'd like a movie that explores that seeming contradiction of being great and interesting without being extraordinary.
Describe what kind of surroundings your movie would have: It'd be in a boring little suburb in the midwest I guess. I also wouldn't mind if it was set in Africa because I really love everything about Africa, and think it'd make for an interesting visual aesthetic.
Give us 5 songs you'd pick for the movie's soundtrack (please don't use any music from Anderson's films):

Nude - Radiohead
Knights of Cydonia - Muse
The Inner Light - The Beatles
Heroin - The Velvet Underground
King of Carrot Flowers Parts 2 & 3 - Neutral Milk Hotel

Anything else you'd like to add while you're at it?: nope!!

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