We set up everything with the help of the drummers dad and our friend Jordan, and then we recorded 7 songs live over the course of a couple hours. It involved a lot of trial and error but I think it was a worthwhile endeavor.
Please stop by and say what you think. For reals. Honesty here folks.
I guess I should update. I saw a nurse about my nose, and we don't think it's broken. And if it is, you can't really tell and it's not bothering me, so... that's good
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Yesterday was a pretty cool day. I was going to wake up at 9 am so I could drive to Pburg, but instead woke up at 7 and couldn't go back to sleep. I imagine I was far too excited or... something
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The directions (if you happen to be coming to the show that's in Parkersburg that is going to be painfully awesome) are very precise and very good. I got there just fine. See you there (?)!!
Okay, here are directions to the show as I have them. These are the directions that I will be following, so if they're messed up we can all get lost together
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I just watched "Control Room," and it had this quote in it from an Al Jazeera (sp?) reporter that I found very interesting. It went something like this
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