
Sep 16, 2010 00:26

Do you have a Doctor Who community or a journal that we are not currently linking to? Leave a note in the comments and we'll add you to the who_daily reading list.
Editor's note: Because of the high posting volume and the quantity of information linked in each newsletter, who_daily does not link fanfiction that does not have a header. For an example of a good fanfic header, see the user info

Blogtor Who reviews The Specials soundtrack by Murray Gold
The cover of Doctor Who magazine 426 revealed and DWA 184
Tin Dog Podcast
Doctor Who Toys blog on the new cybertoys
and Infinite Hollywood reviews Master and Axon figures
The Whoovers present an evening with Daphne Ashbrook and Yee Jee Tso
What if the Daleks were a baseball team?
Nerdles.com reveals that director Richard Clark plans to scare us in season six
Whofix has the lolly advert
Moblog features a dalek invasion at an airshow last weekend
The Daily Drew revisits The End of the World
Who Noobs blog on 1964's The Ordeal
Tardis Newsroom has the cover for The Gallifrey
Details of next year's Gallifrey One in LAChronicles
A Lego extravaganza from Tabletown Online
Short Trips Vol 2 is due from Big Finish (with bonus awesome cast)
Permit Two Minute Time Lord Podcast to share a squee with you
Adventuregamers on The Adventure Games 2: Blood of the Cybermen

[News via og_news | Tardis Newsroom]

edzel2 reads in the Yorkshire Post that John Simm would like another crack at The Master [yay!]
erikssiren sings the praises of Nine and Rose's relationship
cersia5 needs suggestions for what could be written on the Black Scrolls of Rassilon
nwhyte has the Whoniversaries
meddow has day one of the TV meme
calapine takes severe issue with a lack of Ace action figure
shinyjenni has day 22 of the Who meme, and links to the new friending meme in The Other Place (Dreamwidth)
nwhyte has a brief review of the audio Book of Kells
sue_denimme has quotes from Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
divka links to some Who art

doctoreleven has charity Tuesday

Hand to Foot by cysfics [Eleven/Amy/Rory | NC-17]
Collision (4/4) by darkestboy [Three, Eleven, Amy, Jo, Rory, The Master | PG-13]
My Days in the Sun by tvconnoisseur [Ten/Rose | PG]
A Bit Distracted by talepieceuk [Rose/Romana II | 15]
Donna's Choice by elisi [Eleven, Donna/Shaun | PG]
This Was the Year that Never Was by shadowtights [Jack/Susan | PG]
The Night After The Wedding by bas_math_girl [Ten/Donna, Jack | PG]
Hysteria by tellitslant [River/Martha | PG]
It's a Small Universe by honeynoir [River, Jenny | PG]
Great North (3/3) by mental_murmurs [Ten, Donna | G]
Quis Custodiet by roachpatrol [Two era | PG]

Little Voice (2/?) by mysticallight6 [10.5/ Rose | PG]
What Happens on Eros by sadhappiegurl [10/Martha, Donna, Jack | Adult]
Dona Nobis Beatitas (9/11) by katherine_b [Ten, Donna | PG]
There Was a Master in a Game (3/25) by azriona [Master, Lynda Moss, Sally Sparrow | PG-13]
Haven't Met You Yet (3/?) by lovepb [Amy/River | PG-13]
In The Dark (16/?) by sable_falls [Ten/Rose | Adult | dark themes]

The Paradox Trap by hhertzof [Sarah Jane, Clyde, Harry, Turlough, Elven, Amy, Rory | PG | Crossover with Black Hole High]

welshgirl15 has series 5 minor characters icons
carly21 shares the love in the form of .gifs for Boom Town and Parting of the Ways
debris4spike has new Who and Torchwood icons
distantdaylight has new Who icons and wallpapers

ttovie has crafted a Captain Jack coat - in miniature

1ucifer has the Amy Pond wedding dress and declares it gorgeous
huskyfriends has the Whonivers3 photoshoot
ivestillgotlegs has an Amy Pond halloween costume

Contact us via the comments or at whodaily@gmail.com
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