It was Saturday evening. Harry had come over to John's place with five gallons of ice cream, assorted toppings, whipped cream, nuts and sprinkles, and had declared his intention of making them both huge enormous sundaes
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Covered by a magical veil, Harry was heading to John's apartment for a dinner and a yoga session. Remembering that room service had provided John with Vietnamese cuisine the last time, Harry had called asking for recommendations. Room service (or was it the village?) had recommended Indian fare: Chicken Korma, a spicy lamb dish called Dhabe da
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Possibly the lamest superhero name in the history of the universe. Unfortunately, that's about the only thing I'm called other than Harry Dresden. Well, with a 100% success rate, I can live with it.
I'm deeply amused at the idea of Xena being the novice sidekick, and Lady Polgara being sexist and crass.