Title: Free Fall Pairing: Luhan/Yixing Rating: PG W/C: ~2k Genre: Fluff/Romance Summary: In which Luhan is afraid of heights, and Yixing is a skydiving instructor.
screaming because layhan okay (or xinglu or whatever you want to call this ship)
Luhan sputters for a moment before reminding himself that this man is a professional skydiving instructor, and he’s asking about the harness, you dumbass, not what being groped by him feels like.
"So you decided that throwing yourself off a plane, thirteen thousand feet above land, was a good idea?”
“It’s kind of cute, to be honest.”
now I'm screaming because suave!yixing omg this is just the best tbh. I love the cute characters in this <333 Luhan made me laugh and Lay made me fangirl so hard omg but then again that happens all the time haha
plus it doesn't hurt if you wanna crosspost to the layhan comm XD
ahh, thank you for your comment! you're so kind ;w; and hahah, it is kind of impossible to not fangirl over lay! (i didn't even know the layhan comm existed so thank you omg)
Comments 16
Luhan sputters for a moment before reminding himself that this man is a professional skydiving instructor, and he’s asking about the harness, you dumbass, not what being groped by him feels like.
"So you decided that throwing yourself off a plane, thirteen thousand feet above land, was a good idea?”
“It’s kind of cute, to be honest.”
now I'm screaming because suave!yixing omg this is just the best tbh. I love the cute characters in this <333 Luhan made me laugh and Lay made me fangirl so hard omg but then again that happens all the time haha
plus it doesn't hurt if you wanna crosspost to the layhan comm XD
and hahah, it is kind of impossible to not fangirl over lay!
(i didn't even know the layhan comm existed so thank you omg)
Yixing is just hot and manly.
One of my favorite ships eveeeeer!
Thanks for commenting! ♥
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