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xo_issa_xo_18 are close by:
- calyciflorae (250 - 300)
- xlostwitoutu19x, xerikalaurenx, girlon2ndstreet, puppy_love05, le_trippy, chickadilly87, secretsmiley (300 - 350)
- iamagirlbassist, shadowycorner, caroface, starsprite22, sweet__love__xo, lyraslyrics, xlovexmexplsx, bubblefaeriegum (400 - 450)
- brokenlette, kimi_muti, _uberlegitimate, ___memories_, theycallmelo, xoxo_chels_xoxo, rainedropz, sassypugmama, thegirlsonfilm, jokesrfunnee, jessk87, thunt3434, anothaophelia, sullenfuhgah (450 - 500)
- graphicsgirl (500 - 550)
- dark_angel_tear, lsg32388, emothrill, fallensohard__x (550 - 600)
- sidewalk_chalk_, _uniique_kiszes, krazyshawty09, autovatic (600 - 650)
- kroger_cutie, actressdork (650 - 700)
- reverent85, omfgchloe, lilmizzoleskool (700 - 750)
- thejoker1985, mithrandir_t00, ___3x5, countykid, orange_crush666, whytrabbit00, crzymonkey, eklutna, dillan01, xastrozombiex, deadinside83, _whatsarahsaid, she_sits_alone_, yourokiwillbei, widexeyes, pookpook, writtencomposer, claire_bear82, a_new_addiction, mala_chica69, italianchica228, laqtgurl07, lacutie216, devious_angel13, pavela, we_danced (750 - 800)
- quizdiva, greennoctober, shatteredwolf (800 - 850)
- shawnty187, xnixckx, jellybean85, chantillylace31, notablemention, jellybeane84, fredbicycler, pooka314, cuteone_lol, shaggyincognito, limeystars, chadalicious, athena849, punkychick, cut_wings, girl_glitter, babydollstarz, violet_eyeliner, cityofsatan, supergirlkh, leoceanic7, secretzandliez, pinksmurf00, doubledup, cyaniderose (850 - 900)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends