So I've actually been doing this for a while now, but I figured it'd be good to actually write a post saying it. All my posts are set for "friends". If you're reading this and would like me to add you, write me a message and I'll do that. I just didn't like the idea of random people being able to read what I'm writing.
Tricky is doing great. His face is healing REALLY nicely. I'm very happy with it. He also got his teeth floated today so hopefully his mouth won't bother him as much and he'll be able to put on some more weight.
Lets hope that Christy isn't too bitchy for my lesson tomorrow since it's been almost 2 weeks since she's been ridden :(
Happy Birthday miss Nell. :) see there was no way around it, we're going to make you acknowledge the fact that you're old whether you like it or not ;)
The weekend was great. Very excited for Halloween, going to SJ to Hauoc's Haunted House. Very awesome and amazing haunted house, like the best you've ever seen. I hope everyone has a great day on Wednesday.
So at the lesson today I rode miss Kristy. She was kind of pissy, but I managed to mostly make her do what I wanted. I was able to trot without stirrups, I knew it would just take a horse with a slightly less jarring trot. I'll work on getting my legs stronger and then A will make me ride Angel again. I was two-pointing and Kristy takes this as
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So I rode one of the young thourobreds last sun. at the lake. She and I got along great and there was only one time when she wanted to run off and I was able to keep her under control
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So the new horse is of huge-ness. Seriously, his whithers are at about the same height as A's head! And he's in racing condition so he's super beefy. It's amazing. His only personality flaw is that he likes to sneak up and bite you when you aren't paying attention, so A is going to teach him that biting humans is really a bad idea
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