are you serious?!?! we will be so much closer, we will have to get together, fo our b-days!! you should come visit me, cause i have so much to show everyone!! wow this is so cool!! it doesnt cost a whole lot...i hope i can get some money..but why are you moving??
oh and hopefully i will have a video cam by then...ok...i wont by feb 5 but maybe by the time we can get together, that would be awesome!! you will love it there!! its great here, but there is so much more of "hawaii" where you will be, not so much here. just sunday ksenia (my roomate) and i were playing vrisbee in the warm pouring rain and we almost got struck by lightening, it was right in front of us, no joke!!! it was so cool!! yay, im so have to come to hilo, it wil be my b-day prez to you if i can get some money enough for it, but i also have to buy b day prez's for gio cait and a valentines for gio, so we will se, plus i want to buy a video cam. well i love you and ive missed you we have to get together!
Comments 14
you can't be serious!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait, that means i have a good excuse to visit hawaii! i'll visit every summer! lol, or try to... I LOVE YOU!!! we need to chill before you leave!
I wish you luck whatever you do though.
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