Title: Too Fuzzy Author: xfirefly9x Rating: T+ Fandom: CSI NY Your Claim: Mac/Stella Prompt: #095 Fur/fuzzy Finished: 3/50 Summary: Mac and Stella go coat shopping.
Title: Best I’ve Ever Seen Author: xfirefly9x Rating: T+ Fandom: CSI NY Your Claim: Mac/Stella Prompt: #093 Skin to skin Finished: 2/50 Summary: He barely takes in the movie that they’re supposed to be watching.
Title: Warmth Of The Sun Author: xfirefly9x Rating: T+ Fandom: CSI NY Your Claim: Mac/Stella Prompt: #091 Silk Finished: 1/50 Warnings: 162 Summary: Her hair is silk beneath his fingers.