Title: They Bring Me to You Pairing: Mark/Addison, bits of Derek/Addison Rating: PG-13 Summary: Pre-Seattle. Addison ends up on a camping excursion during Spring Break. For: phelipa
Title: Sing You To Sleep Part: 2/2 Pairing: Derek/Addison Summary: Addison returns to Seattle after an unsuccessful outing in California and Derek decides that they can manage being friends. Previous. For: thesevoices
Title: Sing You To Sleep Part: 1/2 Pairing: Derek/Addison Summary: Addison returns to Seattle after an unsuccessful outing in California and Derek decides that they can manage being friends. For: thesevoices
Title: Almost There, Going Nowhere Part: 38/? Pairing: Mark/Addison Rating: R Summary: Addison attempts to start her life over post Season 3 and runs into a barrel of trouble trying to get there. Previous parts can be found here.
Title: Entwined Pairing: Mark/Callie, kind of Mark centric. Rating: PG Summary: Gardening and the day before Fourth of July. Fluffy fluff. For:
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Title: Almost There, Going Nowhere Part: 37B/? Pairing: Mark/Addison Rating: R Summary: Addison attempts to start her life over post Season 3 and runs into a barrel of trouble trying to get there. Previous parts can be found here.
Title: An Accidental Memory In the Case of Death Pairing: Derek/Addison Part: 3/3 Rating: R Summary: A/U. Pre-Seattle. Derek and Addison struggle through a parent's worst nightmare. Previous: Radio Ballet | Genius and the Thieves