Title: Tired of His Games Author:youaredriving aka Scarletsptember Fandom/ Pairing: Supernatural, Sam/Crowley Rating: Be Mature Summary: Sam is tired of Crowley's games (Best summary I can come up with) Inspired from this prompt at comment_fic
Title: Untitled Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember Fandom/Characters: Supernatural Bobby/Crowley (mild references made) Rating: Eh PG to be safe Summary: He cooks, he cleans, he's handy to have around.
Title: Untitled (Look at that) Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember Fandom/Characters: HP/SPN - Harry Potter/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Rating: PGish Summary: Written from the prompt at comment_fic at this thread Harry takes care of Sam after a hunt
Title: Pictures Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember Fandom/Pairing: Supernatural - Sam/Castiel (Uh huh, I went there) Word Count: 554 Rating: Be Mature Summary: Written from the prompt at comment_fic byhugglewolf at this thread Castiel gets his hands on a Polaroid Camera and takes pictures of everything.
Title: Never Insult A Demon Author: youaredriving Fandom/Characters: Supernatural - Bobby, Castiel Summary: Demons sic a ghost on the angel, and Bobby stashes him in the panic room Answered prompt over at comment_fic at this thread