Poetry Fishbowl Report for August 6, 2013

Aug 17, 2013 21:40

Our topic this month was "nomads."  I worked from noon to 3:15 AM on Tuesday, so about 13 hours 15 minutes allowing for breaks.  I wrote 17 poems on Tuesday and 3 more later in the week.  I got a good spread of poems covering all the length categories.

There was lively participation.  A total of 23 people sent prompts.  Please welcome new prompters labelleizzy, Dreamwidth users Timescaper and Redsixwing.  You have them to thank for the second freebie.

Read Some Poetry!
The following poems from the September 2013 Poetry Fishbowl have been posted:
" Against the World"
" All These I Embrace"
" Atomic Wanderers"
" Clay Feet"
" Cloudshadow"
" Estrellado"
" Ghost Towns and Tumbleweeds"
" The Grey Nomads"
" Jumping the Fence"
" The Kindness of Strangers"
" Nomads Then and Now"
" Passo a Passo" (Fiorenza the Wisewoman)
" Return to Twelve" (Tripping into the Future)
" The Song of the Road"
" Static Shadows" (Kung Fu Robots)
" Tiger Tracks" (World Walkers: Quiar)
" The Weekend Rovers"

" These Here Are My Desires" (July 2013 Crowdfunding Creative Jam, Walking the Beat)
" Conquests and Competitions" (February 5, 2013 Poetry Fishbowl, The Steamsmith)

Buy some poetry!
If you plan to sponsor some poetry but haven't made up your mind yet, read the list of unsold poems from August. That includes the title, length, price, and the original thumbnail description for the poems still available.

All of the currently sponsored poems have been posted.  Per the $200 goal, " Conquests and Competitions" is the free epic.  Per the $250 goal, there will be a bonus fishbowl featuring One God's Story of Mid-Life Crisis on Tuesday, August 20.

Donors this month include: thnidu, janetmiles, technoshaman, DW user Redsixwing, DW user Timescaper, rix_scaedu, Anthony & Shirley Barrette.  Please welcome new donor DW user Redsixwing.  The donor perk-post is " Wanderers."

The Poetry Fishbowl project also has a permanent landing page.

reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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