The following poems from the December 3, 2013 Poetry Fishbowl are currently available. Poems may be sponsored via PayPal -- there's a permanent donation button on
my LiveJournal profile page -- or you can write to me and discuss other methods.
There are still a few verses in the linkback poem, "
The Trains Must Run on Time" is now complete.
"City of Angels" -- 43 lines, $20 (
Fledgling Grace)
A Dreamwidth prompt about doves led to the free-verse poem "City of Angels." Different species of dove-folk congregate in Los Angeles, and find things in common.
A Cup of Comfort" -- 58 lines, $20 SOLD (
One God's Story of Mid-Life Crisis)
As the God of Drunks already has a bottle angel in his service, that's where I went with "A Cup of Comfort." This free-verse poem shows Shaeth and company exploring the Winter Solstice as a holiday for drunks.
"Full of Grace" -- 56 lines, $20 (
Fledgling Grace)
From your messenger prompt came the free-verse poem "Full of Grace," about an angel and the beginning of the Fledging.
The God Particle" -- 15 lines, $10 SOLD
I liked the idea of a Patron Deity of Physicists, so I went with the one they've been chasing. "The God Particle" is written in free verse about the Higgs boson.
Grotesque Alterations" -- 140 lines, $70 SOLD (Frankenstein's Family)
This got me thinking about angels and fear, equating beauty and light with good, ugliness and dark with evil. "Grotesque Alterations" is a free-verse poem about Victor and Igor dealing with storm damage to the castle's statuary, their different tastes in aesthetics and how that reflects on their own self-image.
Infinitesimal Divinities" -- 8 lines, $5 SOLD
A Dreamwidth prompt inspired the indriso "Infinitesimal Divinities." God and angels, atoms and quarks -- they're not so different at heart.
Its Very Existence" -- 220 lines, $110 (
Path of the Paladins)
The paladins prompt inspired the free-verse poem "Its Very Existence." It explores what happened to the two men who attacked Shahana and Ari in their camp.
In microfunding now
Jamaican Angels" -- 72 lines, $36 SOLD (
Walking the Beat)
A backchannel prompt led to the free-verse poem "Jamaican Angels" in Walking the Beat. Everyone works together to keep the streets safe during the holidays.
Keep Our Christmas Merry Still" -- 240 lines, $120 SOLD (
Polychrome Heroics)
The prompt about Damask inspired the free-verse poem "Keep Our Christmas Merry Still." It's challenging to celebrate a holiday when your enjoyment of it has been chopped to bits and distributed amongst several very different selves, and you don't understand why your feelings have changed.
Mind of Peace" -- 49 lines, $20 SOLD (
Path of the Paladins)
Your paladins prompt inspired the free-verse poem "Mind of Peace." Ari provides comfort to a beggar who had been in the war.
"Sacred to Medusa" -- 32 lines, $15 (Glimpses of Minoa)
A backchannel prompt from
fayanora inspired the ballad "Sacred to Medusa." The myth of Medusa may be a retelling of how ancient Greeks overthrew the woman-positive culture of Minoa. Once upon a time, she wasn't a monster, but a priestess or goddess ...
Sharper Than Nails" -- 54 lines, $20 SOLD
I've always figured that if Jesus came back, he wouldn't be very popular, and he wouldn't like his own church very much. "Sharper Than Nails" is a free-verse poem exploring that, based on a Dreamwidth prompt.
Shouldermates" -- 60 lines, $20 SOLD (
Fledgling Grace)
The littlest angel and the littlest devil meet up in the free-verse poem "Shouldermates." They wind up growing very attached to each other.
Sore Afraid" -- 26 lines, $15 SOLD
I combined egregores with some other prompts and got the free-verse poem "Sore Afraid." Sometimes you don't get an answer for why God suddenly decided to set everything on fire with terrifying angels.
Sorrow's Guardian" -- 144 lines, $72 SOLD
This reminded me of some fairytale creatures, so I wrote the free-verse poem "Sorrow's Guardian" about a mer-angel. It blends together various fairytales, in which a little mermaid needs to deal with a prince who turns out not to be so charming after all.
The Timefallen" -- 68 lines, $34 SOLD
From Dreamwidth I combined the ideas of ex-angel and future angel to get the free-verse poem "The Timefallen." Angels and fallen angels are all the same beings, just from different times; and they have reason for tormenting humans as they do.
Troubled at His Saying" -- 84 lines, $42 SOLD
From a Dreamwidth prompt I got the free-verse poem "Troubled at His Saying" about Gabriel and Mary at the annunciation. Given the extreme power differential, Mary could not give real consent, and that just never goes to a good place.
the uncountable gods" -- 18 lines, $10 SOLD
From Dreamwidth I got the poem "the uncountable gods," written in haiku verses. It explores the idea of divinity in everything.
Winter Angels" -- 36 lines, $15 (
Monster House)
Your Monster House prompt led to the free-verse poem "Winter Angels." It muses on the implications of angels in the world.
The Wisdom Kings" -- 20 lines, $10 SOLD
From a Dreamwidth prompt, the herukas appear in the free-verse poem "The Wisdom Kings." It explains the search for nonattachment.