Dec 31, 2013 14:12
Yes, I know I'm not social. I never mastered the trick of it. I do really enjoy it when I get to actually SEE and catch up with folks, so forgive me if I'm not up on everything.
Happy New Year!
Jul 11, 2013 12:46
Middle age. Life is boring. Nothing to report.
Nov 16, 2012 10:45
They took the biopsy sample today. We'll see what they find
Aug 31, 2012 17:46
Sigh. My MMO, which is my main contact with friends, is shutting down. Now I will have no social life at all.
My highest compliment at work this month was a thank you for making coffee. I am invisible there, but I have insurance.
Life is just a gray tunnel back and froth to work. All the interesting side ramps have been closed off.