The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Whom is
marpha attracted to?These things I do not know.
Everyone?How did you meet
elliejay?I don't remember, I hung out wiht her in the music department.Who would make a better stuffed animal,
youreyesonly88 or
cmw4286?Youreyesonly88What is
penglii_boi's favorite band?I dunno.What will be
findoutwhoiam's last words?Song lyricsHave you ever suspected
lp_muppet of being a lifelike robot?HE IS!!!!It's all
theletdown's fault, isn't it?YessirWhat does
ask_ginka look for in a significant other?SanityWhat is
jackiebabe's favorite book?I dunno.Does
importantperson know how to spell the word 'embarrass' correctly?No, probably notWhat habit does
geoman have that you think they should give up?Not calling meWhy did
volpex cross the road?because there was beer/drugs on the other sideWhen's the last time you saw
peanut_mummy?At a coffeeshop, far awayHow long have you known
jalmar?5 years?
mitchevious: ninja, pirate, monkey, or robot?pirateninja with a monkey named elliecatHow many people has
kuehn seduced?the whole SWHS band, and all of madison for sure.What would
kittykatkate and
divka inherit from
amangiechsin's will?money, if he has any.What would
necessarysins be like on an LSD trip?scary. She has weapons and sharp objectsAfter a cataclysmic war, whom would you pair with
mangochica786 to repopulate the Earth?Marpha. No one would ever smoke.Did
czachardcore take the blue pill, or the red pill?red pillIf you had the chance to sleep with
dylstyle, would you?I don't think I'd get that chance.Do you envy
sonmi's job? Yes, she gets to be bored at workWhere did
jade_o leave the remote?in the pantry, the last time she looked at food.What would happen if you were to date
manarya?the world would flip upside downWhat is
blueshamrock's religion? Uh. . . not so much?Why shouldn't
alcortz and
tinydancr be a couple?They'd beat each other up.What is the most embarrassing thing you know about
aerthos?embarrassing? He's not easily embbarrassedWhat's up with
buttters?don't ask me man, i will never know.What is
silent_dispatch's sexiest feature?his eyes. He seriously has sexy eyes.Doesn't
gregory07 have anything better to do?Probably, but that requires motivationWhere would you take
merteao on a vacation?RussiaCan
pfh44 solve a Rubik's Cube?YessirWould
righteousrob look better not wearing pants, or not wearing a shirt?robbie has some sexy man muscles, take off the shirt
duxwig: pansy, or wuss?Pansy, for sureWhat four adjectives best describe
anewfoundgina?Fickle, Tart, Melancholy, TallWho would win in a fight between
strippergoin11 and
laotzu02?Laotzu02In what ways are you smarter than
highwind55?IN EVERY WAY!! MUAHAHAHAWhat historical figure does
eleventyseven most remind you of?God :-PWhat does
thefictionalme spend the most time doing?Working, being with JamesWhat fictional character is
orangechucks most like?The Hare.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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