i never ever ever will go to a high school reunion. you summed it up better than i ever could. i don't want to see those people; and i don't want them to know what i'm doing. i was always the odd one out in my group of friends; i can only assume that i still am.
Ohh I knew so much of this. But your life is interesting what are you talking about. Anyway as you say you're not easily embarrassed :D Also I love you for the no-heels. And omg I would to-tal-ly not be shy too. I would keep shouting to you at caps lock volume all day and I'd probably snatch you away from your group a bit and put you on some public transport for the lulz and buy you a few drinks at midday. Or something. Anyway I'll do that next time you're here. I love it when you ask me questions, too.
LOLOLOLOLOL. I'm trying to think of things to make you do when you come over here and there is quite honestly nothing interesting. I'll meet you in a big city or somewhere else worthwhile.
1. Rank the best five concerts you've seen.
2. Who are you determined to see perform before you die?
3. At each man's shittiest, who would you say is shittier: Paul McCartney, Robert Plant, or George Harrison?
4. Does Bleki have any tricks or does he just bark at the wind and run into walls?
5. Did you ever get in trouble in primary school or were you the boring good kid like me?
Oh come on everything about America will be interesting to me. You can point and say, "See, that there is a Midwestern redneck," and I can go, "Wow! It's just like in the movies!"
hahah i have so many of these things in common with you. i'd say which ones, but again, i am too lazy and do not feel like making a super-long comment.
My entire family lives here - all aunts, uncles, and cousins - and so I couldn't just pick up everything and leave. Although it does look like I'll be living in Illinois for a while after I graduate; I realize this isn't much of an improvement.
I HAD SAMANTHA TOO OMG. Actually, strike the had and replace it with "have," although my younger sister has inherited it from me.
And Erin? I'm sorry sweetheart, but you don't have a dick. Although I'm sure there are many out there that would suck it if they could.
Comments 29
give me some questions bitch.
2. Would you rather have a segway, a power chair, or a golf cart? You must explain your reasoning.
3. Which atrocious fad from the 80s or 90s would you love to bring back?
4. Who is your favourite...
- puppy in 101 Dalmatians?
- Von Trapp child?
- Disney princess?
- friend of Michelle Tanner?
- biblical hero?
5. On a scale of one to ten, with one being easy, how hard would it be for you to go vegan? How many possessions would you have to get rid of?
Ohh I knew so much of this. But your life is interesting what are you talking about. Anyway as you say you're not easily embarrassed :D Also I love you for the no-heels.
And omg I would to-tal-ly not be shy too. I would keep shouting to you at caps lock volume all day and I'd probably snatch you away from your group a bit and put you on some public transport for the lulz and buy you a few drinks at midday. Or something. Anyway I'll do that next time you're here.
I love it when you ask me questions, too.
1. Rank the best five concerts you've seen.
2. Who are you determined to see perform before you die?
3. At each man's shittiest, who would you say is shittier: Paul McCartney, Robert Plant, or George Harrison?
4. Does Bleki have any tricks or does he just bark at the wind and run into walls?
5. Did you ever get in trouble in primary school or were you the boring good kid like me?
2. Is your extended family (grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc.) good at buying you presents, or do they have no idea what you're into?
3. Do you want to go to university in state or out?
4. Are you planning on getting any tattoos?
5. What were your favourite TV shows as a kid?
I HAD SAMANTHA TOO OMG. Actually, strike the had and replace it with "have," although my younger sister has inherited it from me.
And Erin? I'm sorry sweetheart, but you don't have a dick. Although I'm sure there are many out there that would suck it if they could.
I still have my Samantha :) I also have Josefina and a 'girl of today' doll. And Coconut the dog. And like 293847 outfits. God I loved that stuff.
1. What are some differences you've noticed between Californians and Midwesterners?
2. Do you think other states are going to follow your lead and legalise gay marriage? 'Cause I sure hope so.
3. If you could go back in time (as far back as you wanted) to witness one event, what would it be and why?
4. What was your favourite breakfast cereal as a kid?
5. What do you think are the most boring and the most interesting sports to watch?
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