In the old days, it was a group of kids who would kick the crap out of drug dealers, Drinkers and druggies and such, Just like The S.H.A.R.P.S. (Skinheads against racial prejudges) did, but the Sharps kicked the crap out of racists.
Now days, in our MTV Punk world, its just a symbol for kids who are "Mostly" christian who dont want to take drugs, and want to stand out, and to look cool, and be excepted.
no drugs, no alcohol, no premarital sex. Die-hard straigt-edge kids include no religion...basically it stands for the fact that nothing with influence your life except you
( ... )
"no drugs, no alcohol, no premarital sex. Die-hard straigt-edge kids include no religion...basically it stands for the fact that nothing with influence your life except you." Now, nobody likes a nay-sayer, and I don't mean to start flame wars, but here it goes; That "nothing [would] influence your life except you" is a theoretical impossibility. Do you see the paradox it presents? Not drinking/smoking/shooting up/screwing around is no less "you" than being totally 'straight edge' would be. It is just a different (and coincidentally more legal) social inlfuence. Along the same lines, saying (or perhaps typing?) that drugs and sex are more peer pressure than staying sober/virginal is complete classroom propoganda. State and national mandate, teachers, parents, and by all means the music you listen to can exert as much, if not far more pressure than a gaggle of high school students doing their best Dudley Moore impressions.
Ally-gator!!! It's Twizzeler!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I followed a bunch of drama people's lj friends and came across you so...whoo hoo! I dunno what sxe means though.
Comments 17
In the old days, it was a group of kids who would kick the crap out of drug dealers, Drinkers and druggies and such, Just like The S.H.A.R.P.S. (Skinheads against racial prejudges) did, but the Sharps kicked the crap out of racists.
Now days, in our MTV Punk world, its just a symbol for kids who are "Mostly" christian who dont want to take drugs, and want to stand out, and to look cool, and be excepted.
No drugs
No alcohol
No gambling
..And usually they're heavily religious.
Now, nobody likes a nay-sayer, and I don't mean to start flame wars, but here it goes;
That "nothing [would] influence your life except you" is a theoretical impossibility. Do you see the paradox it presents? Not drinking/smoking/shooting up/screwing around is no less "you" than being totally 'straight edge' would be. It is just a different (and coincidentally more legal) social inlfuence. Along the same lines, saying (or perhaps typing?) that drugs and sex are more peer pressure than staying sober/virginal is complete classroom propoganda. State and national mandate, teachers, parents, and by all means the music you listen to can exert as much, if not far more pressure than a gaggle of high school students doing their best Dudley Moore impressions.
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