life seems so full, and many things excite me...eating, not eating, thinking, not thinking, dreaming, not dreaming, sleeping, not sleeping, walking, not walking, biking, not biking, talking, not talking, touching, not touching...
i'm going back "home" this sunday for a week-long visit before school starts again. i can't even desribe how excited i am, and how happy. there's so much i want to do. long ride on the greyhound, alone, happy with my music, staring out the window at the landscape i love so much, seeing my family, who i haven't seen in over two months.
i love showering at the end of the day. i can't sleep unless i shower. when i get home late, i wish someone would bathe me and carry me to bed, but the fact that i must inevitably do it myself is a daily reminder of exactly how life is, (& i'm growing to be quite content with that.)
tonight i went out with someone i was once very close to. i had
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my head is sore. this red-room day is a day i would go back to. i had a panic attack at work today. i cried in front of customers, and then they sent me home after a few hugs. has anyone else noticed that it is friday the 13th? two in one year, that seems to be too many. the last was my birthday. joanna newsom is enhancing my headache; andrew bird
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i'm calling in sick today so that i can see the harry potter flick with a friend who is also calling in sick. how sweet is that? the second part of my confession is that this is the second day in a row i've called in sick. the first was just because i wanted to pretend i was ferris bueller and go shopping and read and watch movies and sleep and
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