Hello people! We are now sitting at a raterh filhy free internet terminal thingie in the departure lounge at Sydney airport. This will be a short post- this keyboard is HORRIBLE
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So I just finished the last exam of the last course of my undergraduate degree. Yay! Unless I fail, of course, in which case I have to go back and do it again. Hopefully not
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I just finished reading the best book I've read in ages. It's pretty funny really, Oscar bought it for me for my birthday based solely on the facts that a) I like Tolstoy and b) he hadn't seen this one around, so he figured I didn't have it already.
As of today, just about everything is done. We're all good to go, minus a couple of last-minute bits and pieces that can't be done until the last minute. Even the bank has sorted things out. Hooray!
Now all that is left is to focus on getting prepared for my exams next week. If only it were that easy...
Ok, so I just upgraded to the Advertising of Doom version of Live Journal so that I can keep photos on my jounal while we're away. So I'm testing it out with photos of our apartment... here goes!
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So, I just sent the address of this journal to lots of people, so if you're reading this for the first time, then hi!
We're getting pretty organised now, which is good. I even started packing today! Hooray! Still getting stuffed around by the banks though, but what can one expect?
I don't normally whinge on the internet, but today needs to be an exception. I really am getting very frustrated with stuff, and maybe if I have a good vent I will feel better.
Wow, I can't believe the last thing I posted was Spanish crap. Yuck! Actually, considering my considerable laziness with posting stuff, I have no right to disbelieve the obvious truth
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