Title: Bangkok Pairing: Sooyoung/Changmin Rating: G Genre: AU, Fluff Summary: In this strange country of fascinating wonders, who would’ve thought they’d find something so lovingly familiar?
Title: Speech Balloon Pairing: Sooyoung/Sungmin; Sooyoung/Kyuhyun; Sooyoung/Siwon; Sooyoung/Hankyung; Sooyoung/Yunho; Sooyoung/Changmin Rating: G Genre: Angst, Fluff Summary: The things Sooyoung would love to say but can't and the reason behind them
Title: Love Story Pairing: Sooyoung/Kyuhyun; Sooyoung/Sungmin Rating: G Genre: Drama; Angst Summary: because a love story is most often observed by the people watching rather than the people in it...