Title: Stubborn Love
aibakawaiiPairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2193
Summary: Nino can be a pretty stubborn student, but there just might be another who can change that.
A/N: So I am kind of nervous releasing this chapter, but this is probably the best I can come up with. D:
Chapter 1 ,
Chapter 2 ,
Chapter 3 ,
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Comments 41
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Same, I look up to Ohno that he can. *o*
LOL, well nothing wrong with that! xD?
Haha, Nino is beautiful..a beautiful brat. ♥
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Thanks for reading~
Walking on the sand with hands entwined is definitely a date. Ohmiya choose the best spots ever =D I wonder what's going to happen in the next chapter~
Lol, they're sush a 'romantic' pair. 8'D
Thanks for reading!
The last part reminds me of the HnA when they all went to a haunted place to find out who's the most scardy cat in Arashi.....and Ohno didn't even react to anything. I look forward to the next update
LOL yeah, darn Ohno. D8 *wishes I was like that*
Thank you for reading! ^^
LOL on oh-chan getting horning on nino drawing... i kind of want to see horny oh-chan that nino cant resist anymore.. well, not that he did a lot of resisting
( i am sorry nino, but u are soo obvious and oh-chan stop look soo smug, o-chan: not my fault he cant resist me nino: u is the one that force urself on me)
i am sorry my imaginary ohmiya is taking over my body for a while there...
LOL! Nino can never resist with all of his might against Ohno. >:)
Ohmiya's specialty is to be able to take over people's mind. D8
♥ Thanks for reading!
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