To my two favourite stalkers: I forgot to mention last night that I once wrote a Giles spanking Faith in the library fic.... Unfortunately, I lost it in a hard drive crash.
To everyone else: I should write more/post more in general. Y/N?
You know, I've kinda gotten used to seeing buses pull away from the bus stops just as I get there, but this is the first time I've seen it happen to me with a train.
Yeah. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that LJ goes down as I come back to it. Uh-huh.
Moving on, only one week to writerconuk! Looking forward to running into lots of old friends and generally being able to geek out over various fandom related things while being the dominant social group in the room. Yes, this time we get to stare scornfully at the 'norms'
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*pokes LJ cautiously* Seems okay at the moment. kazzy_cee linked to an interesting post here about the reasons behind the problems. Though, must admit I'm seriously wondering about possibly getting on Dreamwidth, and cross-posting. Anyone know the procedures there
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Well, it's taken me over four weeks now of trying to book time off work, but I can now confirm that I will be heading to writerconuk this year! Woot
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Most people already know this but DC comics, home of such classic superheroes as Batman, Superman and Wonder Wonder, is relaunching all its titles in September all with new issues 1's and with brand new creative teams.
This post is basically my attempt to keep track of all 52 new books as the info slowly leaks out.