Title: Dream Awake Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Eli, Nate, others Summary: After the fight with his brother, after the nosebleed, Eli wakes up in hospital. He's not prepared for what happens next. Post episode 209
Title: Dream Awake Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Eli, Nate, others Summary: After the fight with his brother, after the nosebleed, Eli wakes up in hospital. He's not prepared for what happens next. Post episode 209
Title: Dream Awake Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Eli, Nate, others Summary: After the fight with his brother, after the nosebleed, Eli wakes up in hospital. He's not prepared for what happens next. Post episode 209
Title: Dream Awake Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Eli, Nate, others Summary: After the fight with his brother, after the nosebleed, Eli wakes up in hospital. He's not prepared for what happens next. Post episode 209
Title: Dream Awake Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Eli, Nate, others Summary: After the fight with his brother, after the nosebleed, Eli wakes up in hospital. He's not prepared for what happens next. Post episode 209
Title: Dream Awake Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Eli, Nate, others Summary: After the fight with his brother, after the nosebleed, Eli wakes up in hospital. He's not prepared for what happens next. Post episode 209