Here's a day in my life, the day I turned 30. It's a typical work day and a non-typicaly evening where I'm by myself with nothing important to do. Someday I'll post pics from a typical workday. But here's my day! Enjoy!!! (and forgive the hugeness of the majority of the pictures, I lost patience with photobucket. It's taken me almost 3 days to get
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I haven't been doing super long posts lately only because I don't have the time/patience to type everything out. So here's an abbreviated list of this week's happenings for which I'm thankful
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1. My husband. 2. Wonderful friends who back me up and understand my moods every so often. 3. Livejournal and being able to vent my frustrations. 4. Beer 5. Being off this weekend 6. My nephew and his cute little babbles 7. The Office and Friends reruns 8. Valentines 9. new pens to use at work 10. purring playful
I am so jealous of people who have posted old pictures of themselves on here and on Facebook. I dug up some of my old pictures and snapped pics of them with my Blackberry. They're blurry, but you get the idea!
A super special thank you goes out to carneillian for sending me a voucher for a paid account! I've never had a paid account before, so YAY!!! Now I can feel all elite and stuff.
Thanks so much, it really made my day!!! :D
I know I've taken on a lot with my blog lately, but this one is REALLY cool and I'd really like some of my friends to participate! The more the merrier!!! (And it'll give me some things to think about!)