Title: Dean`s Day
Author: Capricorn86
Characters: Dean, Will (3) Melissa
Disclaimer: I own nothing (apart from my OCs). No profit is being made.
Warning: Swearing. Spanking mentioned in this part.
Author`s Note: Prompt by Remisfriend 26: Daddy!Dean… maybe one with a young young Will where Will does something dangerous, perhaps in a public place, giving his Dad a fright who then delivers a spanking (either a few swats or a full spanking) to his son.
Chapter 1:
http://capricorn86.livejournal.com/31570.htmlChapter 2:
http://capricorn86.livejournal.com/32184.htmlChapter 3/3:
http://capricorn86.livejournal.com/31835.html Dean Winchester stepped into the hallway and walked into the living room, his ex girlfriend on his heels. It always felt strange for him to come back here, back to the home he and Melissa had made together, and where she was now raising their two children. Melissa had been living alone with them since Dean had left her. Though two years had passed since their break-up, things were still sore and tense between them. Melissa especially had difficulties moving on and letting go of her hard feelings. She could never forgive Dean for walking out on her.
Dean and Melissa had not been married, so the kids had been spared seeing their parents go through the slow, painful process of divorce, though the break-up hadn`t exactly been easy. On anyone in the little family. Perhaps least of all Dean. In leaving his girlfriend, he`d also given up the chance to see his children daily, and the pain of that cut him deep. Still, he had figured it was the best way to go. Staying with his ex would only have made him deeply unhappy.
Dean`s children were the lights of his life. He adored them both, and loved spending time with them, even if that time was drastically reduced after he had moved out. The adjustment had been a hard one. Going from seeing his kids all the time to only seeing them every other weekend and a couple times during the week… It was hard.
Dean strolled casually into the living room, Melissa following him.
She grabbed the lighter and the pack of Malboros lying on the table, fished out a smoke and lit it. Dean looked at her, seeing her blue eyes staring back at him through the smoke.
When he`d been in his late teens, Dean had smoked occasionally, at parties. Sam, despite being a small skinny boy of thirteen back then, had known all about the dangers of smoking, and continuously warned his older brother of them all, nagging him to quit. Dean had followed Sam`s advice eventually, not because he was concerned about his own health, but because John Winchester had found the lighter in his pocket. John had given Dean a long loud lecture followed by a harsh taste of his leather belt. Dean hadn`t cared much for cigarettes after that.
He`d never smoked again, and he didn`t approve of Mellissa doing it either. He had told her as much on many occasions, but she`d never cared to listen. She explained it away by saying it was one of her little “bad habits,” just like Dean never remembering to put the toilet seat down, or always drinking milk right from the carton. They both did things like that. Annoying, little things, small bad habits neither of them ever managed to shake regardless of how many times their partner asked them to stop.
“Where are the kids?”
Dean glanced around the room, noticing the absence of his children, but seeing signs that they had both been there not long ago. Will`s building blocks were littered on the carpet next to the table, and on the sofa there lay a seemingly carelessly misplaced Disney Princess doll. The one with brown hair and a yellow dress. Dean had never learned their names, though his daughter Dawn had bugged him to play with her and her dolls countless times.
“William is upstairs in his room, taking a nap,” Melissa answered.
Dean glanced at his watch. “I`m eager to get going.”
Melissa quirked one eyebrow. “Yeah, I bet. I`ll wake him up in a minute.”
“And Dawn?”
Dean looked at his ex girlfriend, noticing how she avoided his gaze. She always did that when she was feeling a bit uneasy, like she was about to tell him something he wouldn`t be happy to hear.
“She`s not here.”
Dean blinked. “Well, where is she?”
“Lucy Madsen`s mother called me on Thursday and asked if the girls could have a playdate today. Lucy and Dawn have become fast friends, you see.”
“And you said yes?”
“It`s important for Dawn to make friends. I-“
“God damn it, Melissa! You knew perfectly well today was my weekend with the kids.”
She sighed. “I know. And don`t interrupt me, Dean. I hate it when you do that.” She continued: “I`m aware that it is your weekend, but Dawn was really excited to go see her friend.”
“And I`m really excited to see my daughter!” Dean snapped. “Come on, Melissa. Don`t start this shit up again, please. You have no right to deny me to see the kids. They`re mine too, you know.”
Melissa took a deep puff of her cigarette, though a lot of it had turned to ash while she and Dean had been talking. She licked her lips, turning away from her ex.
When she didn`t say anything, Dean muttered a curse under his breath before continuing: “When is Dawn coming back?”
“I was going to pick her up after dinner.”
“I can pick her up and bring her back here, then I can spend some time playing with her,” Dean said. “Is that alright?” he asked, though he hardly thought he needed to ask his ex for permission to spend time with their daughter.
Melissa simply nodded. “So what are you and Will going to do today?”
Dean wanted to say that he had planned on taking Will and Dawn to the playground, and put extra pressure on Dawn`s name, just to drive the point home to Melissa that she was an ice cold bitch for purposefully making him miss out on the special, quality time Dean had with his kids. But he didn`t want to sound childish, and he certainly didn`t want to start an argument that would startle and scare the little boy sleeping upstairs.
So, he simply shrugged, saying he hadn`t decided yet.
Melissa snorted as she put her cigarette out in the black ashtray on the living room table, the long fingernail on her index finger tapping irritably against the bottom of the tray as she ground the cigarette down. “Yeah, planning ahead was never something you were good at.”
Dean threw up his hands. “Melissa, for fuck`s sake…”
She turned away from him, her long, black curls dancing around her head as she moved towards the staircase. “I`ll go wake up William.”