Title: 500 years of solitude [5/?] Author: clubotaku Pairing: Kris/Luhan with minor Sehun/Luhan, Lay/Luhan Characters: EXO-M with mentions of Hangeng, Victoria and others Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Supernatural, Historical Au! Previous chapters:( (1) )
Title: I Got You (ooo wuu huu huu), Under My Scales Author: clubotaku Pairing: SehunxLuhan, BaekhyunxTao Rating: PG13 Summary: Can be taken as a companion piece t( this piece )
Title: EXO-K drabble: You are my star, I'm your number one fan Author clubotaku Characters: Suho-centric, EXO K Rating: PG Summary: Can be taken as a companion piece to( 6 Times Exo-M uses the internet )
Title: 500 years of solitude [4/?] Author clubotaku Pairing: Kris/Luhan with minor Sehun/Luhan, Lay/Luhan Characters: EXO-M with mentions of Hangeng, Victoria and others Rating: PG Genre: Romance, Supernatural, Historical Au! Previous chapters( [1] )
This issue has been dragging on for so long and yet the uni, or rather, the faculty is adopting a 'what can we do?' attitude. If someone has been honest enough to report plagiarism, why drag everyone down with the person who did wrong? Ridiculous.
Title: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World [1/2] Author: clubotaku
Pairing: LuhanxSehun Characters: Luhan-centric with DBSK Rating: PG Genre: Romance, Supernatural, Apocalypse Au! Summary: As the world ends, Luhan searches for somewhere to call home.
A/N: This is in a world where EXO doesn't exist and based on the whole 2012 apocalypse scenario
Title:I got my swim trunks, and my flippy floppie Author clubotaku Pairing: Minor Chen/Suho, Chen/Tao, Sehun/Luhan, voyeuristic Kris Characters: Chen-centric, OT12 Rating: PG-13 Genre: Humour Summary: Inspired by The Lonely Island's hilarious "I'm on a Boat" MV. Chen needs more love
Can't wait for these to be over and done with. At the stage where you've been studying so long but you still have time and you just can't be bothered. Want to get back to writing Exo Au! and a Chen-centric crack piece >.