2017 Goals

Jan 01, 2017 21:14

My 2015 and 2016 goals turned out ok. Let's see what 2017 looks like:

1. Get Smaller

My ongoing battles with my blood sugar level are not being won. I've tried more exercise, I've tries less food. The end result is that I'm in good physical shape, but the blood sugar hasn't budged. Now, there's some question as to whether my blood sugar level is actually a problem, but I feel this isn't a great area to experiment in.

My previous dietary experiments mostly cut out food at work. I ignored eating vast quantities of healthy food. It's time to work on that. To more clearly articulate some subgoals:

A- Any time I eat food at work beyond what I brought with me, I will donate $25 to charity. This year, this includes ALL food that is purchased, whether it is purchased at the diner, at the vending machines, at the food trucks, via chinese takeout, or otherwise. The following exceptions are allowed:
- Annual Meeting, Release Party, Holiday Potluck, Dan's Christmas Cookie Day (seriously, the best damn cookies ever), team birthday luncheons (5 total). That's 9 events. I'll add 2 wild cards to get to 11 total; since I have more than a month of vacation that gets me to about one per month.

B. I will lose 20 pounds in 2017, which would be put me back at my college weight of 205. Since I came back from Europe at 212, this is a pretty reasonable goal given some dietary changes. Since pragmatically it will be hard for me to exercise more given issues with recovery time, I'll have to work on eating less. As a side benefit, in addition to helping my blood sugar, this will take weight off my bad knee.

For those of you who are concerned when you hear weight loss goals, let's just say that I once lost 25 pounds in four months when I was starting at 6% body fat. I know what I'm doing, this simply codifies my goal to make it easier to focus my mind on doing it.

2. Bake More Bread

This seems completely opposite the first goal, but sometimes life is like that. I've got the cookbooks, I've got a new baking stone, I've got access to all the ingredients - I should be baking. I will aim to bake at least two loaves of bread each month in 2017.

I gave serious consideration to adding "only eat bread I bake" but that seemed unrealistic.

...And that's it. I feel like I'm in pretty good shape in most regards. There's things from earlier goals that I'm still putting some effort into too, mostly successfully.

resolution made

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