Part 1:
CapturedChallenges: Peanut Putter #8 (Dark); Cherry Vanilla #18 (Flashback)
Summary: Our main character and her friend are captured and put in jail.
Part 2:
The Prisoner's NumberChallenges: Peanut Butter #7 (Light); Cherry Vanilla #13 (Deus ex Machina)
Summary: Jhera and Gharak are interviewed by the Warden and are put through some tests.
Part 3:
SentencingChallenges: Cherry Vanilla #9 (My Reflection); Rum Raisin #15 (Stranger)
Summary: Jhera is given her sentence based on her test results.
Part 4:
A New LifeChallenges: Cherry Vanilla #3 (That Fateful Day); Rum Raisin #12 (Guide); Red Hot Cinnamon #7 (Over an Open Flame)
Summary: Jhera and Gharak are brought to The Academy for the first time.
Part 5:
Before the TestsChallenges: Cherry Vanilla #17 (Prince Charming)
Summary: Before the testing actually starts.
Part 6:
Tests and ResultsChallenges: Peanut Butter #1 (Fire); Red Hot Cinnamon #2 (Spark); Cayenne #3 (Unfair Odds)
Summary: Jhera goes through her test and they get their results.
Part 7:
First DayChallenges: Cherry Vanilla #5 (The Mysterious Stranger); Red Hot Cinnamon #12 (Blaze/Inferno)
Summary: Jhera has her first day of classes.
Part 8:
Keeping an Eye OutChallenges: Rum Raisin #2 (Father); Cayenne #11 (Tactics)
Summary: Darian meets his father and uncle for dinner.
Part 9:
SymbolsChallenges: Red Hot Cinnamon #5 (Too Hot to Handle); Cayenne #13 (Wrestling/Grappling)
Summary: Jhera's professor gets a little over excited about the marking on her arms.
Part 10:
DecisionsChallenges: Cayenne #6 (First Blood); Cherry Vanilla #2 (There's Something in the Air); Rum Raisin #4 (Brother)
Summary: Darian works on his job of watching Jhera and makes some decisions about how to do it.
Part 11:
WaterChallenges: Rum Raising #8 (Friend); Peanut Butter #2 (Water)
Summary: Jhera's class starts to learn about water magic.
Part 12:
FollowedChallenges: Cherry Vanilla #19 (The Dream that isn't a Dream); Peanut Butter #5 (Wood)
Summary: Jhera and her stalker have a conversation in the woods.
Part 13:
A Change of PaceChallenges: Cayenne #7 (Combat Training); Peanut butter #3 (Wind/Air)
Summary: Combat lessons are finally starting for Jhera's class and she has another run in with Darian.
Part 14:
DistractedChallenges: Rum Raising #7 (Rival); Cayenne #5 (Break it Up); Cherry Vanilla #14 (Cliffhanger)
Summary: Jhera finds out who her new sparring partner will be.
Part 15:
RevelationsChallenges: Cayenne #9 (A Worthy Adversary); Peanut Butter #4 (Earth)
Summary: The stranger's identity is revealed along with other things.