Since I have been posting it everywhere else on the intarwebs . . .
I've been spending a lot of my time volunteering to organize a conference for
OWASP. This is a conference on Web Application Security, probably the largest one in the world, and will take place this November in Washington DC.
If you're interested, check out our website here:
Aug 16, 2009 23:12
It's rare these days that I feel the need to post about a work of literary fiction in more than just a passing reference.
I just "finished" The Girl Who Played with Fire, by Stieg Larsson. I've been listening to it on audiobook, and had opportunity to plow through a chunk of it a few days ago while waiting online for car inspection in Southeast.
no spoilers, but just for those of you who are uber-touchy )
Jul 30, 2009 16:23
Only 35 days left til . . . how the #$*! did that happen???
D*C is looking like a steamroller this year. Recently added to the guest list:
Leonard Nimoy
Terry Gilliam
George Romero
top that off with the already existing list ( Patrick Stuart!!! other trekkies, people from Star Wars, Whedonverse, Battlestar(s), Twilight (ugh, though fortunately
Read more... )
Jul 06, 2009 11:56
Has anyone read it yet? I know we discussed it previously.
I must say, I think I have to get the audio book, it's hysterical hearing it read aloud . . .